View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Bob Marshall
on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)
29 Jun 2014 by Bob Marshall
Report on-board Duke IV
The fine weather has allowed us to travel offshore where we have found good fishing on The Varne Bank with some nice Bass on live sandeels and pirks. Darrens group did well on the wrecks landing 20 Bass to around 4lb.
Marcs group found the fishing a challenge with a strong tidal flow and swell but jumbo Mackerel and Bass made up for the tough day.
Terrys group today from Sheppey managed a couple of Bass from the wreck along with some on pirks on the bank edge. They also landed some nice Gurnard and Codling along with a good haul of Mackerel.
Inshore has been encouraging with some nice Smoothounds to lug/squid cocktails. Still a few Skate and quality Bass being landed so plenty to fish for. Given continued good weather the inshore fishing should improve with more Bass and Mackerel shoaling on the banks to Hokkies and feathers.View Boats Page