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  • 30/03/2015 Fishing Report by brian poppy on Cleveland Princess (Lowestoft, Suffolk)

    30 Mar 2015 by brian poppy

    Report on-board Cleveland Princess

    A last minute call as the weather had a bit of a break in it on Monday30th i left moorings at 10.00am and ran north with a bit of wind against i got the anchor down about 10.30 first job get the kettle on as i was on my own i thought i would have 4 rods out third rod out and i was getting the first one back in a nice Cod 46cms with the kettle whistling i quickly made a cupper but it was cold before i picked it up the fish were coming in steady and at one point 3 rods were knocking at once,as the tide eased they went off the boil a bit so kettle back on and finally got a hot cup of tea,i had a count up how many i had 17 nice fish all between 44-48cms with one Spotty Dog and a small Whiting not bad on just over half the ebb that i fished,i waited till the flood began to run this took a while no tide till 15.45 first hour produced only one Cod and was getting ready to pack up when they came on the feed again i packed up at 17.50 with a total of 26 take home Cod the best going 58cms i gutted on the way back and i was surprised to see that there was not a lot inside them but what i did notice was some of them had a bit of green Lug in them and i was pulling some in they had green Lug on the spikes of the weights from uptide i will have to give that mark another look when iam in that area,BP.

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