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Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen
on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
Apr 2015 by Gethyn Owen
Report on-board My Way 2
Up until today (18th) the month of April has been a relatively successful period aboard My Way.
The weather has allowed us to sail on 9 occasions and only cancelled 5, ok, so 64% is not the kindest of percentages, but for early season April in the bay, I’ll take it.
The first weekend of the month saw us staying inshore on a 6 hour trip for a group of novices aboard My Way. Fortunately we were able to put them amongst the fish with a few different species scattered around various marks within Holyhead Bay. What’s interesting about the last couple weeks of March and early April, is that the fishing has been a tad slow inshore. Normally a good variety of species can be relied upon to be here in decent number by now, especially at anchor.
On the drift we’d expect to see pollack and coalfish increasing in size and number as April goes by. But to be fair, were as we’re ploughing through an alarming number of dogfish and whiting most trips, other species have been slow in their appearance. Don’t misunderstand, it\s not been hellish bad inshore. Our days afloat have thrown up some wonderful catches, including rays, rockling, dabs, ling, spurdogs and more, but this lull I’d normally associate with early March has hit a tad later.
Easter was a busy period for us, Easter Sunday was a 30ft tide, with the inshore throwing up a few smaller fish for the crew, we opted for a mark in deeper water for the slack period in search of spurdogs. We had already caught spurs in the Deeps during March and also had a few turn up on the mussel beds, so it was with some anticipation that big baits were lowered the 190ft down. Thankfully we reaped the rewards as a plentiful number of spurs graced the deck of My Way, as many anglers caught spurs for the first time.
On the bank Holiday Monday and the following Monday we ran a few 4hour trips, classed as introduction trips, they are a taster for youngsters and adults alike to the joys of fishing while afloat. Fish, smiles, chocolate & fun, with calm seas and occasional sunshine, they are often a superb day for novices of all ages.
Later that week it was back to full days. Starting again inshore and moving off to Holyhead Deep for the slackwater period. most days with fairly similar results, mixed bag of species from a variety of inshore marks, although still remaining a little slow on actual quantity of fish. This followed by a tremendous number of big double figure spurdogs in addition to huss reaching 14lb taking our baits in Holyhead Deep.
Best spurdog so far in 2015 goes to Carl Burns from Colwyn Bay. Spurdogs have been somewhat of a bogey fish for Carl, having fished with us for over a decade, Carl has had some note-able catches that include amongst the standard big huss, spurdog, pollack etc squid & topknot. Carl's an angler that can normally be relied upon to pull a few species out when others struggle …. but always failed to connect with a spurdog, despite those around him landing spur after spur. Mid March we finally ended the spurdog drought for Carl as he landed some nice double figure spurs during a visit to Holyhead Deep.
Then in April, during yet another successful outing for everyone aboard, Carl pulled out a monster among spurs … a beauty weighing in at 20b 3oz.
A few cancelled trips towards the middle of the month saw us blow away those land locked blues yet again with another successful day afloat and Deep visit. Big huss and spurdogs helped many anglers to an enjoyable day and a few more ticks on their species cards for the 2015 season
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