View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Tony Eatherton
on Seawatch1 (Brightlingsea, Essex)
24 Apr 2015 by Tony Eatherton
Report on-board Seawatch1
Out on our monthly trip with Lester Friday 24th April, into Roker 5mins after anchoring on the mark, then steady all morning, Lester asked if we wanted to move to locate a few codling maybe, but we opted to stay put, and a blinding day was had by all, only five anglers on the boat which included our fast improving novice Chris, who is rapidly outfishing all of us, no stopping him now he has his own tackle box. In all we had approximately 45 Roker to 131/2 Lbs with about 20% just into double figures in the total, plus numerous dogfish, 50% of Roker returned to fight another day, thanks again Lester for another memorable trip and great company with yourself and the other lads, shame one of them had to pay for the priveledge of not turning out but thats the way it goes, your turn next trip Geoff, see you next month Lester, thanks again.
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