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Fishing Report by Malcolm Collins
on Just Mary (Christchurch, Dorset)
28 May 2015 by Malcolm Collins
Report on-board Just Mary
A days break and two more days of trips for Sea Fishing Poole the kiosk situated on Poole Quay. A morning 3 hour and an afternoon 3 hour filled mainly by Dads, Mums, Grandparents and kids produced Black Bream and Gurnard and Mackerel with the Youngsters showing the Adults just how to catch fish. The second day an All Day with only 3 because the other 3 failed to show produced a personal best Ray, an Undulate male of 14lb 0oz for Mike Hayes from Shaftesbury, Dorset. He was joined by his son Tim and another visitor John from Vietnam on a visit to the UK to see his Mum. Other fish landed included Black Bream, Smoothound and Dogfish. The Undulate was landed on Hire gear provided by the Skipper plus an 'Onamission' Skate trace with Frozen Whiting as bait due to a shortage currently of Mackerel. Thanks, Malc.....
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