View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Peter Davis
on Warrior II (Looe, Cornwall)
23 Jun 2015 by Peter Davis
Report on-board Warrior II
Well it's not too shabby at the moment. Friday 19th June, out sharking, had a fifty pound Blue come sniffing around then went away for about 1hr 30mins then back she came and took Nigel's bait but also doubled back and went through his line. She very obligingly went on and took Ollie's bait (never shark fished before). He caught the fish and got our trace back !! Meanwhile Nigel has rigged and re-baited and is on the way back out when I hear
"I've got one on" well- 50minutes later I had the trace in my hand (for the first time)OMG what a fish (9ft + long and a massive girth) off it went again ! Twice more it came to Force Ten but after the Third time of having it up to the boat it went about 20ft from the boat and started to roll, up his trace onto his 30lb mono and you can guess the rest !!
My nearly 50yrs of sharking I have never seen a bigger Blue Shark, probably 200lb +. After all that excitement Reef Fishing on Sat 20th saw one of my youngest anglers, Josh, beat his dad and catch a nice 14lb Ling( see latest catch Piccy's) along with a good selection of other reef fish. Well Done, great effort for a 9yr old !!View Boats Page