View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Nick Gough
on Skylark (Scarborough, North Yorkshire)
25 Jun 2015 by Nick Gough
Report on-board Skylark
As the tides have eased off again we decided to have a go wreck fishing again.
Photos from our 6 hour trip today.
Fishing started from the first drift with double hook ups of cod and ling coming up from the start.
After a few hours fishing it slowed down and picked up again later on in the trip.
Many different species caught today with cod, Pollock, ling, whiting, red and gray gurnards, whiting, mackerel and pouting.
Fantastic weather and some fantastic fishing here at Scarborough at the moment.
If you would like a trip with us we have some spaces still available please call Nick on 07939025881, or message us on our website or on out Facebook page.View Boats Page