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  • 18/08/2010 Fishing Report by Ian Pratt on Celtic Wildcat (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)

    18 Aug 2010 by Ian Pratt

    Report on-board Celtic Wildcat

    Well I was convinced this offshore trip was going to be a victim of the weather. Thankfully I was so so wrong and 8 of the Danglers' finest sporting fishermen gathered in Neyland yesterday morning to board Celtic Wildcat for our second shark trip of the season.

    As we motored out to pick up the mackerel, Paul Martin, skipper of Atlantic Blue, kindly radioed over to say he was into the shoals off the H&Bs reefs. His on the spot update helped us with a shorter than usual diversion for our feathering and was greatly appreciated. The shoals were in thick so it took hardly any time to fill a box with mackie and off we went.

    The steaming 30+ miles offshore was a bit lively in the fresh conditions and we hit the odd rain squall but soon we mercifully silenced those powerful engines, the slick oozed it's oily path downtide, the sun came out, the gear went overboard, the sandwiches came out...and the wait began. I think I even heard the distant whistle of the kettle. And you know what that usually means.....

    Yup, 45 minutes into the drift and with the tea not yet poured, Aled was the first one to have a distinct run and he set the mark for the day with a lovey blue

    Soon after, the only shark "virgin" onboard, had a nice take and after enjoying a good fight was initiated not only as a sharker but a 3 figure one at around 103lbs!

    Then it was Steve's turn up on the bow who landed a lovely 120lber (the second of thre 3 figure fish to be landed today) then a nice one for Ian M. Young Bob lost a small porbeagle at the side of the boat after a good fight but made up for it with 2 more blues. After toying with the garfish for a while, Greg boated another lovely Blue. Jason shared a fish with Rich so everyone caught one.

    Hang on - let me just check those numbers? Wait a mo. There's one missing?

    Can you guess who it is yet?

    Yes, in the final minutes of the trip, I had a gentle run and then a massive slab of concrete took off at speed and gave me a tremendous fight. Amidst the usual heckling from the cheaper stalls along the lines of "Oscar", I had a right old struggle on my hands. Finally boated my PB of 132lb blue shark

    I'd had all my trips blown off last year so it was good to get out there again and also try my new reel which I'd bought of "Wheelie-Bay Ian". Handled like a dream thank goodness.

    So a superb day out for everyone. Huge thanks to Skipper Nick O'Sullivan and Celtic Wildcat for working so hard to make the day a special and memorable one for all the Danglers onboard. Nick couldn't have worked harder for us all day from making the tea, grinding the chum, expertly and safely handling the sharks oh - and skippering the boat. Thank Nick - I won't be forgetting this one in a hurry....And we have another 2 shark trips with you on Celtic Wildcat still to come!


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