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  • 24/07/2015 Fishing Report by dominic wilson on Dawn Venture (Portpatrick, Dumfries & Galloway)

    24 Jul 2015 by dominic wilson

    Report on-board Dawn Venture

    summary upto 25th july 2015

    water clarity continues to be excellent and helps the fishing no end....great fishing is happening in 60ft of water 330 yards from the harbour entrance!!

    the species landed this month:
    mackerel(2lb 2oz biggest),herring,sandeel,cod(biggest 4.5lb),haddock(2.5lb),pollack (8lb 4oz),coalfish,dogfish,bullhuss(9.5lb),grey gurnard,red gurnard,whiting,dab,plaice,wrasse(2lb),conger ee(4lb)l,scorpion fish

    the mackerel continue to be present in huge numbers and 500 in an hour is wilson from dumfries and his team managed 30 mackerel in the 2lb range last monday but it is noticeable that there are a lot more joeys in the 4-6" size are showing(great for pike bait!!

    the pollack continue to be present in the weeds and stewart walker and his boys managed to catch approx 70 on chrome leadheads and ragworm with Stewart taking the biggest at 8lb 4oz in the harbour entrance

    cod continue to be prolific,both close in and out at 2miles,Rab and his 2 sons managed to catch 15 of size,biggest 3.5lb drifting the harbour and the Pirelli boys from from carlisle managed 35 cod to keep,biggest 4.5lb....on the 8 hr trips we are averaging70 codling but 95% are undersize,the same applies for the haddock.biggest hadock sofar is 2.5lb for Mark from pirelli

    huss are still elusive ,but "lucky Dave" on a 3hr trip managed 4 huss(1.5lb/7.5lb/9lb/9.25lb) in 4 drops

    we also experienced a tope following a codling all the way to the surface without biting!! the tope was approx 5ft long

    prospects remain excellent and to book a trip aboard "Predator II" please ring or text me,Dominic on 07739231331

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