View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Alan Milford
on Moonstone - now Why Worry! (Littlehampton, West Sussex)
8 Aug 2015 by Alan Milford
Report on-board Moonstone - now Why Worry!
Saturday 8th August report
Finally we got some great weather with sunshine and a flat sea.
Small tides meant we could push a bit further out on the inshore grounds in search of a variety of fish.
On our first mark we rode out the ebb tide and caught around 20 tope and a few dogfish. When the tide turned I decided to try another mark for a few rays.
The crew were not disappointed!
The largest was an undulate that went 17.5lb...another of nearly 15 and a few thornbacks that also went a good size.
The crew were catching all day and went home happy....a very successful trip all in all.
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