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Fishing Report by Gary Flint
on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)
Aug 2015 by Gary Flint
Report on-board Discovery
Summer 2015 so far
The Wind has been a major problem this summer with the strong westerlys we have to date blown off 55 trips since Christmas.
When we got out early on there was plenty of Mackerel in big shoals but as the wind chopped the sea up it dispersed the shoals.
The Wrecks produced Codling,Pollack,Ling and the usual bits and pieces but these became patchy so we concentrated on bottom fishing,We have taken plenty of Smoothounds into double figures inshore.Offshore we have targeted Tope we have boated over 30 Tope between 33lbs and 48lbs this does not sound a lot but for the amount of trips offshore fishing for them it averages out at 5 per trip. a day to remember was a group of girls on a Hen Doo who wanted to try fishing and boating so we set off early morning whist travelling offshore the girls noticed some pics of Tope on our notice board and asked if they could catch one so we changed there rigs altered our course and headed to our Tope mark,when we arrived we explained how when we get one, that we would expect them to hold the Tope with our help. Well they had 9 runs and boated 4 between 33lbs and 41lbs before we could pass the fish to them they all had there hands out to hold it well done Hannah and the girls the following day we had guys with there own tackle that had opted to use there own gear, a very big Tope was lost because the guy only had 100mts of line on his reel so if you want to fish for big fish make sure your reels are filled up correctly Gary The Skipper. Pics to followView Boats Page