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  • 02/09/2015 Fishing Report by dominic wilson on Dawn Venture (Portpatrick, Dumfries & Galloway)

    2 Sep 2015 by dominic wilson

    Report on-board Dawn Venture

    SUMMARY AUGUST 2015.......

    fishing was good this month when the wind allowed us to proceed to sea.cod werent as prolific as june and july but still managed fish to 4.5lb....haddock were very prolific with the best going 4lb.
    huss continued to feed with the best at 14.5lb(caught on baited feathers) along with the doggies and some spurdog,best at 16lb.whiting improved in numbers and size with the best at 1.5lb and some pouting around 2lb.
    the wreck up north produced the goods and was full of coalies and pollack.
    catches were padded out with red and grey gurnards ,dabs,launce
    pollack were prolific in the weeds on the headland prefering mackerel belly strip to anything else but "welsh dave" caught 6 on a bass plug in the harbour entrance on the last 30mins of a daytrip!!.....
    the harbour entrance really does producethe goods
    prospects look good for september.....

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