View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by chris thompson
on Katie Ann (Weymouth, Dorset)
23 Sep 2010 by chris thompson
Report on-board Katie Ann
Fished for three days on Katie Ann, from the 23rd September - 25th September. Excellent and varied catches each day. Hitting the Sea Bass first thing in the morning, with all that fished catching good sized fish, before moving on to catch a good mix of Black Bream, Red Gurnard and the odd plaice. Finally, moving to fish for Brill and wonderful Turbut.
The stand out day was day three, when in near perfect fishing conditions, all areas fished superbly. The trip was rounded off in perfect fashion with a final three hour session on the Brill and Turbut. All of the group caught good sized fish including Turbut of 7lb 8oz, 9lb 2oz and a wonderful specimen of 12lb 8oz.View Boats Page