View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Paul Smith
on Rapid Fisher (Poole, Dorset)
25 Mar 2016 by Paul Smith
Report on-board Rapid Fisher
Easter update.
Well as predicted strong winds for the rest of the easter holidays means Rapid Fisher tied to the moorings again but what a great day yesterday was (good Friday ) with a few Rapid fisher regulars.
We left poole Quay at 8:30 after a full saftey briefing and kettle on once I finished handing out the Hot cross buns we headed out into blue sky's and flat sea's.
The guys on deck were in good voice whilst sorting out the rigs for a days plaice fishing and frantically polishing their plaice spoons that had been buried in their tackle boxes for some time.
For a few hours the fishing was slow until the wind and tide turned and picked up then a charter skippers nightmare, one of the crew that has been with me quite a few times decided to go for a hire rod for the day and all was good right until his leg caught it and whooossshhh there she goes over the side and down to the bottom of the sea. Not a happy skipper.
15 minutes later we go back for another drift and MR Dependable and boat Regular Malcolm Nightingale shouts fish on and only pulls up the hire rod that went in earlier, Very happy skipper.
The fishing switched on at that moment and some nice plaice was landed. The area around us is a local hot spot as many boats were out enjoying a great day afloat, the plaice obliged putting smiles all round, and a good solitary flounder, also had a few pin whiting that Barry Atfield had but he was out fished buy his Dad Tony Atfield, Fish of the day went to Dave House with a lovely 3lb plaice.
Well that's about it for the week ahead looking at forecast, let's all hope that the weather calms down for next weekend as we head to the famous Shamble bank on Sunday for Turbot.
Some dates still available coming up and also Evening trips starting soon.
PAUL.View Boats Page