View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Gary Flint
on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)
3 Apr 2016 by Gary Flint
Report on-board Discovery
Sunday 3rd of April,Marions group
We left the marina early as we had decided to travel off shore to some banks,
So that we could have a look for some early Bull Huss, Well we did not find any, so we covered a 35 mile round trip which produced Thornback Rays between 5lbs and 13lbs 3 oz the 13lbs 3 oz one was caught by Lea from Coventry.
We had Cod to 7lbs 10oz with a couple around 4lbs The Cod of 7lbs 10oz was caught by Stefan also from Coventry Whiting, Dabs and Dog fish completed the species count to 5 for today everbody had a good day and re booked for July
Look forward to seeing you in July Gary the Skipper.
picture To the right is of Lee with his 13lbs3oz Thornback ray which was released back for another day.View Boats Page