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Fishing Report by stuart cross
on Valkyrie 6/8 (Gosport, Hampshire)
1 Apr 2016 by stuart cross
Report on-board Valkyrie 6/8
Fishing report by Stuart Cross on Valkerie
Me my Dad and my son Andrew [aka mini me] had a good bash at some Pollock on Friday with Zac. He had a very sore throat, so Dave the crewman had to sing for him as the wreck came up. Its only Andrews second time wrecking so I showed him once more how to drop retrieve and drop again. Second wind up one 12lb Pollock to Andrew followed by a massive grin. When the score sheet read Bri 4 Andrew 4 me 0 I was getting twitchy. ‘Can I have a go with your rod?’ Andrew asked. Now they were on identical reels and I stupidly opted for the faster retrieve reel due to the low neap tide. ‘He’s got 4’ I thought ‘this will let me catch up’. Stupid me - 2 doubles on two drifts to Andrew and I’m still fishless. Zac is now grinning just as much as Andrew and Bri - its not going well. Andrew then topped it off with telling me [so that everyone could hear] that ‘I could reel in the next one he caught’ which by the way was a bass [returned] the only one of the day.
The fish were high on slack 30 -40 turns coming right down to the bottom as the tide was in mid flow. Scores Bri 7, Andrew 7 plus the bass including 4 doubles. I came third, stop laughing Glen it’s not funny. All in all it was a great day with a nice bunch of chaps, I’m now taking up knitting- until next time!View Boats Page