View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen
on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
7 Nov 2010 by Gethyn Owen
Report on-board My Way 2
Autmn / Winter Fun Match number 2.
After a week of gale force winds, the weather gods once again looked down kindly upon us for this weekend. Residual swell on the Saturday gradually abated and left for a glorious day on the Sunday.
9 hearty souls arrived at the marina early Sunday morning to be greeted with calm seas, sunshine … and a cup of tea and chocolate bourbons.
After a brief review of the plans for the day, including an update on the weather that forecasted a southerly gale 8 by early evening we set sail for the mussel beds, were we would fish the last of the flood through to the first of the 31ft ebbing tide.
Fish were soon coming aboard, nothing too special to start; mainly dogfish, with the odd whiting and poor cod. As the tide turned a few huss came to the gunwales, with Wayne netting a nice 8lb bully, only to be out done by his farther with a double figure fish. Early indications showed it would be a tight match with Chris Gee, Chris Hamblin and Gareth P all contending the top slot.
Poor Tony though could only struggle on with a solitary dogfish whilst he looked for his friend Huey. On the stern Gaz joined in, he though had a friend called Ralph, though I did hear him call for Huey a couple times as well. B&B the night before is ace, too much beer, not so ace!!
As we lifted anchor to move into Church Bay and out of the fast running tide of the mussel beds, a quick tally showed that Chris Hamblin was putting his international experiences with Wales into effect and was edging Gareth out of the first place. Moving into Church bay and a quick look around and Leon was then getting to see what his breakfast looked like, I promise you, it wasn’t choppy at all, lol. In fairness though, it never stopped him fishing.
Once anchored up in the bay again the dogfish came into play, along with a few whiting, plenty of poor cod and some small huss. Despite his 3point huss, Wayne a novice angler dragged along for the day by his father was struggling to make an impact on the leader board, so a little coaching was on the cards. A little bit of advice on baiting up and also waiting for each bite to develop correctly was discussed to try and get Wayne catching double and treble shots of fish instead of the odd one as time went by. Wait… wait… let some line out, wait … put that bloody rod down …wait, ok reel in!! Well, something worked out right as Wayne then proceeded to reel in a double shot of dogfish and small ling. A brace a piece in his next two drops soon had the angler chomping at the bit for some more. Double patting, the method of preparing a second rig whilst one rig fished was then employed and Wayne’s catch rate soared.
With sausage butties for lunch, and more fish coming aboard it was soon time for our next move. As we lifted anchor at Church bay for our third move we could feel the wind freshening. A tally up here and now Gareth P was leading Chris Hamblin by a few points with Tony having found his sea legs and form rocketing into 3rd place.
Our first 30minutes on our final mark proved difficult as the increased wind swayed the boat around the anchor warp. Never the less the lads struggled on, adding more dogfish, a fair few whiting, dabs, poor cod and a couple pouting to score sheet. Conditions though were slowly deteriorating as the wind increased to 25mph.
Everyone struggled on, catching fish with Wayne continuing to bring in double after double.
At half four it was time to up anchor and get in before the wind blew too hard. Before we set sail I added up the score sheet and Wayne, the novice angler using My Way rod, reel, end tackle …. and know how – won the day by 1 point from Chris.
It was a great day afloat with a good bunch of lads made all the more sweeter with Liverpool spanking Chelsea !View Boats Page