View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Nick Gough
on Skylark (Scarborough, North Yorkshire)
29 May 2016 by Nick Gough
Report on-board Skylark
Photo's from today's 6 hour morning trip
Sea Conditions were not ideal with a good amount of lift in places, so we took shelter from the northerly winds and targeted Thornback rays as the tide eased we braved the swells to have a last hour having a go for Cod.
Overall the lads had a great day which turned out to be quite a species hunt as they managed to catch 25 thornback rays, a Spotted Ray, 2 Brill, a Lessor Spotted Dogfish, several dabs and a good few codling.
heaviest Fish was a 6lb 8oz Thornback Ray
All but 5 of the largest rays were returned to fight another day as well as the brill, and Dogfish as the anglers wanted to try a skate wing.View Boats Page