View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by TERRY BATT
on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)
14 Jun 2016 by TERRY BATT
Report on-board Vanishing Point-2
Today (Tuesday 14th June) we steamed for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 22 knots and arrived at our destination where we have had some really good sport on Hounds..
We had four anglers book the entire boat, there were three generations of a lovely family all fishing together, from Grandsons Robert and Richard, a real credit to their Dad and their granddad how were fishing along side the boys..
But..... Granddad Hugh was on fire today, he caught 20 Smoothounds on his own, showing the young whipper snappers experience wins out over but all the family members did very well and it was an absolute pleasure to have them on board once again.
The boys had a not suck a good trip at the weekend, not solely down to the skipper, but by the sounds of it he had a bit of bad luck against him, so the catch rate was quite poor, and the boys requested an action packed day PLEASE...!! so I took them well off-shore to a very special place where they filled their boots so to say,,,
and I believe some of the lads had personal best's, so that's was good.
I think we had something around 45 Smoothounds up to 14lbs so I think we restored their faith in the fishing from Essex....
Well we are out all of this week, and Thursday we are hunting the elusive big Tope.. we shall see if they are there and report back later in the week.
We have most of next week available during the week ... Monday to Friday if any of you want a chance to get on the hounds...
Call: 07768306646
Tight lines, and Smoking guns..!!View Boats Page