View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Pete Rose
on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
20 Nov 2010 by Pete Rose
Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl
The whitbyseaanglers forum lads were gifted a £500 sponsorship in cash from our kind and regular sponsor Glenn Stocks the event was to be fished on Saturday the 20th November the rules were simple anchor fishing only and heaviest cod takes first prize with other prizes down to fourth and a prize for the angler with the largest bag on the day.
The weather was poor on the Saturday with a big swell rain wind you name it still with recent catch report the prospect of fish was high.
forum members fished off two association boats sea otter 2 and sea urchin II there were plenty of fish caught on the day.
here the top rods of the day.
first prize fell to Ben Laws with a cod of just over 7lb on sea otter
second Rich Deadman cod 6lb 13oz on sea otter
third Garry Arkle cod 6lb 7oz from sea urchin II
fourth Dan Green cod 6lb 2oz off sea otter 2
The heaviest total bag of over 50lb going to Garry Arkle fishing off sea urchin II
A big thankyou to all involved also I would like to thank our kind sponsor Glenn Stocks, as well as all who took part on the day who gave £5 each to the Whitby life boats thank you for your generosity.
Please remember the uptide festival starts on the 4th to 12th of December and runs for a week with£1000 in cash prizes book your places now Sunday the 5th is totally empty up to press.View Boats Page
Mon 24/02/2025 3 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.27m Robin Lever - x 3 Steve Austin - x 2 Piotr Maciarz - x 2View details Wed 26/02/2025 Uptiding Trip - 4.94m Nabeel Ismail - x 4View details Fri 28/02/2025 1 Space Available Uptiding Trip - 5.51m Jeff Turner - x 1 Bod - x 2 Jonathan Stirrup - x 1 Tom Allen - x 1 Charlie Hewitt - x 1 Dave Fowls - x 1View details Mon 03/03/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.59m Joe Clough - x 4View details Wed 05/03/2025 6 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.14m Will sail with 4 anglers. Steve Milnes - x 1 Chris Chatham - x 1View details Thu 06/03/2025 3 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.83m Stan Matthews - x 1 David Craine - x 2 Howard Thornton - x 1 Ian Rigby - x 1View details Tue 11/03/2025 6 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.78m Will sail with 4 anglers. Dave & Del - x 1 Neil Kennedy - x 1View details Sun 16/03/2025 2 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.25m Chris Ibbotson - x 1 Dave Johnson - x 5View details Thu 20/03/2025 6 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.81m Will sail with 4 anglers. Stan Matthews - x 1 Ian Purdom - x 1View details Fri 21/03/2025 1 Space Available Wrecking Trip - 4.60m Pete Durrant - x 2 Shane Ingram - x 1 Paul Carroll - x 6View details