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  • 24/07/2016 Fishing Report by Graeme Galloway on Amatheia (Gosport, Hampshire)

    24 Jul 2016 by Graeme Galloway

    Report on-board Amatheia

    Well the mackerel are here, that is on some of the wrecks.
    The day started hard with things being a little slow other than the mackerel coming in, in good numbers some for bait and some for John's bbq and the rest frozen down for another day.
    Along with the the mackerel some nice sized pollock one of which was more than likely picked up by a shark in mid water which Danielle held onto until the bite off and to add to that, we believe we lost another pollock on a different wreck to a seal, who just before the take had shown itself by the boat which Ryan held on to until the line gave in against the fight.

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