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  • 09/2016 Fishing Report by Kevin McKie on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)

    Sep 2016 by Kevin McKie

    Report on-board Size Matters

    [This report was written when Size Matters was operating from Plymouth]

    The shark fishing from Plymouth is the best they have had in year's, some boats are reporting over 30 sharks a day!!
    Most are in the 20lb to 60lb range but there are a few over 100lb being caught. Catching lot's of small shark's is a very good sign for the future and show's the UK shark population is doing well.
    The highlight of the last week was seeing three baby Porbeagle sharks caught, one of them was tiny and must of only been a month old. We just need to find it's mother now and hope we are lucky enough to land it. Also one of my angler's was using a water wolf camera above his baited feathers when we where fishing a inshore wreck for Whiting, the footage he has got of a Porbeagle shark is un real, it's probably the best footage of a shark I have seen in UK water's. He is going to edit the footage and let me have a copy, I will post it when I receive the copy. On the offshore wreck's we have been catching Pollack to 10lb and Ling to 22lb 8oz. On the inshore wreck's there is odd pollack and plenty of conger to 37lb, we had 50 in just 4 hours one day.
    Over the next week I will be chasing shark's and Conger so if we get some good weather, we mite just get lucky and catch a few monster's.

    Size Matters Plymouth

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