View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Kevin McKie
on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)
Sep 2016 by Kevin McKie
Report on-board Size Matters
[This report was written when Size Matters was operating from Plymouth]
It's hard work being a charter skipper at time's, trying to keep all your angler's happy and helping them catch the species they are targeting. A few day's ago I had my work cut out for me, the plan was to anchor for conger. So I picked a wreck I know has big conger on, after a 3 hour steam out we got to the wreck and it was netted. In fact all the wreck's in that area where netted, so I said to the lad's. We can anchor this one but you mite lose lot's of tackle, or we can steam out further to another group of wreck's and fish them. The lad's all said let's go further out after another hour or so steam, we got to the wreck's with no net's on. The only problem now was we had lost most of the ebb tide, so we had to drift around with bait and lure's until the flood tide kicked so we could get the anchor down. When we got the anchor down for the last two and a half hour's of the day all hell broke lose, we totalled 33 conger to 60lb and 25 ling to 27lb, between 8 angler's. To say the wreck was a live is a understatement, if you have never anchored for conger mid channel before I would highly recommend it as it's fast a furious fishing at time's and give's you a good workout. This charter turned into a 14 hour charter just to get the angler's on fish at no extra cost.
Shark fishing has been very good best day we have had this week was 27 blue shark to 95lb and 1 small porbeagle about 25lb.
Inshore on the reef's is a bit slow with a few ling to 18lb, conger to 20lb and pollack to 6lb. There is only a few date's available now until we move to Liverpool on October 17th for the winter cod season, if you fancy a day out with us please get in touch.
Size Matters Plymouth
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