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  • 20/09/2016 Fishing Report by dominic wilson on Dawn Venture (Portpatrick, Dumfries & Galloway)

    20 Sep 2016 by dominic wilson

    Report on-board Dawn Venture

    this report covers period a windy 13-20 september....
    the current main species we are catching on every trip are doggies,pollack,coalies,mackerel, herring,all 3 gurnards,codling,haddock and whiting(only small and in plague proportions!!)

    13th.....codling to 4.5lb,haddock to 2.5lb,some small huss and a tope of 44.5lb
    14th....huss made a return with several doubles and other smaller ones,pollack prolific in the weeds taking chrome jigheads and silver mackerel belly(biggest 7.5lb)
    15th....a 4 hr trip that was spent wholly on the drift and fish were everywher with over 20 codling taken home upto 4.5lb,but whiting were coming up 6 at a time on the feathers,codling coming up 3 at a time,gurnards also 3 at a time and plenty of haddock doubles.mackerel were prolific everywhere
    17th....all the usual suspects present plus a 7.5lb smoothound and 6 double figure huss(biggest 13.8lb),also another good session on the pollack,especially in the harbour entrance
    20th....2 nice huss at 10 and 10.5lb,good sport with the pollack in the harbour mouth......common skate hooked but not landed

    it is noticeable that the spurdogs have disappeared this month,there are lots of tiny mackerel around and the pollack fishing in the kelp is the best it has been all year....this is a repeat of 2015

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