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  • 10/2016 Fishing Report by Kevin McKie on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)

    Oct 2016 by Kevin McKie

    Report on-board Size Matters

    [This report was written when Size Matters was operating from Plymouth]

    The 2016 summer season has come to an end in Plymouth for Size Matters and what a season it has been.
    We caught some cracking fish and helped anglers catch lot's of new PB's.
    Blue shark to 130lb, Conger to 84lb,
    Ling to 34lb, Sun fish to 30lb, Pollack to 18lb,
    Cod to 17lb 8oz, Turbot to 9lb, Brill to 5lb,
    John Dory to 4lb 8oz the list goes on and on.
    I would like to thank all the other skipper's and tackle shop's for making my first season in Plymouth very welcoming and
    thank you to all the new friend's I have made in Plymouth.
    Most of all I would like to say a big thank you to all the people who have fished with me and their continuing support, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be able to do the job that I love.
    2017 date's for Plymouth summer season are filling fast, check out our website or
    cbuk/sizemattersplymouth all the calendar's are up to date.
    Now it's time for some winter Cod fishing on the Mersey with Size Matters...
    Watch this space!!!

    Kevin Mckie
    Size Matters (Liverpool)

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