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  • 11/2016 Fishing Report by Kevin McKie on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)

    Nov 2016 by Kevin McKie

    Report on-board Size Matters

    The last set of neap tides on the Mersey started off very good. Catching up to 43 Cod a trip to 10lb, along with plenty of Whiting and a Dabs. Then we had two days of heavy rain and it thinned the Cod out to 20 to 25 a trip, most in the 2lb to 3lb range. The good news is we have had no rain since then and the fishing is improving day by day. The long range forecast for the next set of neap tides is giving light winds and no rain.
    Here is a full list of available dates for December.
    Saturday 3rd 3 places available.
    Monday 5th 1 place available.
    Sunday 11th 3 places available.
    Monday 19th 10 places available.
    Thursday 22nd 7 places available.
    Friday 23rd 6 places available.

    Size Matters (Liverpool)

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