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Fishing Report by Rich Cope
on Mistress (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
5 Jan 2017 by Rich Cope
Report on-board Mistress
Happy New Year Everyone!
Whilst most of the other boats are doing yearly round-ups, we're still putting in the days and nights at sea, keeping our anglers among the Cod!
I'm sure as business starts slowing as it generally does around this time of year, I'll have a hunt through my many files for some of the better pictures and fish from last year.
We're experiencing a big northerly again at the minute, but looking at the charts there will be a window for this Saturday (7th Jan) we currently have 5 places available.
The trip is 9 hours. 0730-1630, and is £45 per person, thats only £5 per hour! if you see cheaper deals on the internet, they are cheap for a reason, you only get what you pay for! I put in 110% every trip.
These photos are from our last few trips, where it has generally been very good with our best day seeing 60 cod boated with our best angler that day taking 13 cod himself, most other days the better anglers with good quality bait have been getting double figure bags too.
So if youre interested in a trip here at Whitby on Mistress give me a call on 07977 436903. pr drop me a message on,
Tight Lines - Rich
Pictured Is Mistress Regular, Ian 'Bucko' Buckingham from Middlesbrough with a couple of his fish from a his fish bag. Well fished mate!View Boats Page
Fri 11/04/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £70.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. 5.1m Tide - wreck/ground inshore.View details Fri 18/04/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £70.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. 4.9m Tide - wreck/ground inshore.View details Sat 19/04/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £70.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. 4.7m Tide - wreck/ground inshore.View details Sun 20/04/2025 7 Spaces 10 Hours £70.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. 4.5m Tide - wreck/ground inshore.View details Sun 04/05/2025 2 Spaces 10 Hours £70.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. 4.9m Tide - wreck/ground inshore.View details Tue 20/05/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £70.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. 4.6m Tide - wreck/ground inshore.View details Wed 21/05/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £70.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. 4.6m Tide - wreck/ground inshore.View details Fri 06/06/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £70.00pp 4.3m Tide - wreck/ground inshore.View details Sun 29/06/2025 6 Spaces £30.00pp Mackerel.View details Mon 30/06/2025 8 Spaces £30.00pp Need 5 more for trip go-ahead. Mackerel.View details