View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by dominic wilson
on Dawn Venture (Portpatrick, Dumfries & Galloway)
13 May 2017 by dominic wilson
Report on-board Dawn Venture
period 13/14 may
the wind was kind to us initially and then turned nasty curtailing both trips early.the boys had to work hard for the fish but what was noticeable was the increase in the amount of bull huss(6 each day).we are still just getting the odd mackerel along with loads of doggies,small haddock/codling/whiting/coalies.
the paisley boys fished the jigheads and ragworms in close for the pollack on sunday and we caught 5,biggest at 3lb so it appears that they are not there in any numbers yet.
biggest huss this season so far to jonathon at 11lb(his p.b) and picturedView Boats Page