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Fishing Report by Karlton Ward
on Wave Dancer (Liverpool, Merseyside)
4 Jun 2017 by Karlton Ward
Report on-board Wave Dancer
Sunday 4th WHAT A DAY probably my best days fishing so far. We started slowly with one 5lb ray in the first hour. The following 3 hours was the most prolific ray fest I have ever had,56 rays were caught from 1lb babies to the biggest 7.6lb and 1 whiting. We asked the anglers if they fancied a move and go for some smoothies, reluctantly they agreed so on we steamed. At he next mark the inevitable dog fish was soon caught followed by a 3.5lb smooth hound and his bigger brother at 7.5lb. Next on board we had a 4lb tope and a small plaice, a steady precession of smoothies,tope and starry smooth hounds followed. We caught 53 fish caught and the day at an end. As we called the day and the anglers were reeling in there lines we were all working out who had won the cash prize for first,most and biggest when jimmy shouted fish on. As the biggest fish winner I waited to see what had made his line go tight when mick also shouted fish on. After a small fight Mick landed his 5lb tope which worried me as jimmy was still fighting his fish. Following a decent fight Jimmy shouted for the net. As my heart sank he hoisted a 10.4lb starry smooth hound. What a great way to end a fantastic days fishing. Well done jimmy for not only landing a magnificent starry smooth hound but also snatching the biggest fish prize for the day.
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