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Fishing Report by Phil White
on Chinook 3 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)
6 Jul 2017 by Phil White
Report on-board Chinook 3
The last few days have been calm and sunny and this has allowed the charter boats to get offshore and enjoy some cracking sport.
There has been a big influx of mackerel to all offshore areas; these super little fish are providing some great sport over the slack water when we would otherwise be waiting for the tide to turn.
There are a lot more smoothounds showing up, a lot of these fish are 7-8lb with a few better ones in certain areas, best baits are hermit and peeler but ragworm works well.
There have been some lovely bass caught this week with the best reported at 14lb, this fish was returned alive. We had fish up to 9lb on the Chinook with most boats seeing bass on a daily basis, best baits are squid for the bigger fish and worm baits for the smaller fish inshore.
The thornbacks are still in good numbers offshore with some big fish still around. We had our biggest thornie on Wednesday at 13lb; it was a big fish and would have been 16lb plus in the spring before it had spawned.
Inshore is quieter now that the thornbacks have moved offshore, there are still a few around in some areas. There are plenty of school bass in the Estuaries if you can get out of the weed which seems bad this year inshore.
Prospects are excellent, there is a lot of bait fish in the water and this will bring more fish into the Estuary.
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