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  • 09/07/2017 Fishing Report by dominic wilson on Dawn Venture (Portpatrick, Dumfries & Galloway)

    9 Jul 2017 by dominic wilson

    Report on-board Dawn Venture

    period 9th til 17th July.......

    the wind has been kind and has allowed us out to fish the offshore banks and holes,drift the reefs and fish in the weeds for pollack.
    the mackerel were scarce at the early part of the reporting period but now seem to be present in good numbers with strings of 4-6 the norm instead of the occasional.There has been a plague of mini grey gurnards with some red and tubs thrown in.doggies are ever present but the huss and spurdogs remain elusive with only a couple here and there.lots of flapper size whiting around with coalies,the odd dab,small ling and pouting thrown in.
    the haddock are around in good numbers upto 2.5lb,codling the same but slightly larger.
    plenty of pollack in the weeds to mackerel strip or ragworm with the Paisley boys taking over 100 pollack upto 4.5lb in two 1hr sessions at either end of the day last sunday.
    some nice ballan wrasse are showing and the one in the photo weighed 4lb and was caught close in at the harbour entrance

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