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Fishing Report by Clive Hodges
on Ocean Warrior 3 (Brighton, East Sussex)
22 Aug 2017 by Clive Hodges
Report on-board Ocean Warrior 3
A fantastic day drift fishing with Dave Elliott on Ocean Warrior. Drifting the banks off of Brighton we have over 50 turbot and brill along with gurnards, ray, bream and mackerel. Most of the turbot were between 3lb and 6lb and the biggest brill was 4lb. We also had a 16lb undulate ray and some big mackerel to 3lb 8oz.
Dave and his crew man worked hard to find us the mackerel for bait and then the flats. A welcome cup of tea helped refresh us on the slack when the bites slowed down a little.
Can't wait to get out there again
Clive HodgesView Boats Page