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  • 01/01/2018 Fishing Report by Tim Harrison on Legend (New Quay, Ceredigion)

    1 Jan 2018 by Tim Harrison

    Report on-board Legend

    Here at Epic Fishing Trips of New Quay, west Wales we pride ourselves on delivering some fantastic fishing days out. Our new vessel for 2018 'Legend of New Quay' will help us get you to the right spot, ready for a cracking day at sea. She is the first of her kind in the UK. A Cheetah Marine cat of unique pedigree. With higher gunnels that any cheetah cat yet built, a beam of 3.7 metres and a length of 10.2 metres she will provide a dry comfortable ride to the fishing grounds. Powered by two Yamaha 150hp outboards her cruise will be quick too = more fishing time for you! Seating for all aboard is provided, baiting tables cleverly positioned and fishing up to six rods across the stern, she is built to fish.

    Our in depth knowledge of the local grounds has been built through hours at sea. Our previous vessel 3 Fishes built a classy reputation as a fish catcher and 'Legend' will better her. With twelve years of running fishing trips out of New Quay I am keen to get 'Legend' out there and fishing in 2018. Our season will start by mid March when we will be chasing monster huss, spurdogs, rays and some quality whiting. By June it will be all tope and bream and towards the back end its bass time.

    Be Epic and join me aboard 'Legend' in 2018.

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