View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Allan Skinner
on JFK TWO (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
3 Apr 2011 by Allan Skinner
Report on-board JFK TWO
sunday 3rd april
today was another nice spring like day.the first wreck was about 7 miles out. and produced only a couple of cod 3-4lbs.
so we pushed futher on the next wrecks again fished steady with 1 or 2 fish per drift. mainly cod upto 8lbs. with ling on the mackrel and squid lad having crab was having more sucess with a fish every drift till he ran out of crab.
again the futher we got out the cleaner the water was and the shads kicked in.
all in all a steady day with most anglers averaging 6 to 8 fish each.
picture colin [duck ] donlley ling 11.5lbs
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