View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Sean Lavelle
on Doloree (Belmullet, Mayo)
Apr 2011 by Sean Lavelle
Report on-board Doloree
Belmullet Sea Angling Club major international open boat competition
Belmullet Sea Angling Club major international open boat competition of the year
Saturday wind westerly force 6 with swell, as you can image not great fishing conditions. Doloree skipper by Sean Lavelle Left Blacksod at about 11.00 first stop the Achill breaker. It’s about 16M on the top and 30 around the bottom with lots of gullies and cracks. John Munnelly, Killala Bay S.A.C. (and to busy to turn around for the camera) by 1pm had Ballen Wrasse, Cuckoo Wrasse, Pollack, and Red Gurnard. We moved off further north to shallow ground with lots of weed and had to do a number or drifts on this as we were drifting at 1.8 knots by 2.30pm everyone had coalfish. Moved again to picked up more Ballen Wrasse, Cuckoo Wrasse and Gurnards. By 4pm everyone was on 5 varieties. We Moved again south of the blue rocks on to deep ground and Declan Cawley from Belmullet S.A.C. who had Scad, Pollack, Coalfish Ballen Wrasse, Red Gurnard, got the heaviest Junior prize of a Ling. The heaviest senior prize a BULL HUSS by Anthony mcdonagh from Belmullet S.A.C.
Eleven varieties were landed Scad, Ling, Pollack, Ballen Wrasse, Cuckoo Wrasse, Bull Huss, Cod, Tub Gurnard, Red Gurnard, Coalfish we also had a number of pouting but were undersize
Sunday winds picked up to force 7 so all boats stayed in the bay,
9 varieties Dogfish, Pollack, Ballen Wrasse, Cuckoo Wrasse, Tub Gurnard, Red Gurnard, we also had a number of Dab, Pouting, Poor Cod but all were undersizeView Boats Page