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Fishing Report by Kevin McKie
on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)
Mar 2018 by Kevin McKie
Report on-board Size Matters
Over the last three days we have managed to catch 11 Skate 198lb, 196lb, 192lb, 191lb, 188lb, 182lb, 168lb, 161lb, 145lb, 141lb, 64lb.
We also pulled the hooks on 8 Skate and one of them was the best fish we have had on so far this trip.
On the spring tides it’s been much harder to hook the Skate and it’s vital to get a good hook hold because of the extra tide pushing on the fish.
One of the days I moved five times to try my best to stay out of the main flow of tide and keep my anglers on the Skate.
This is pretty similar to how I fish the Mersey on the bigger tides to get the results the anglers expect.
Learning about new marks, tides and tack ticks is what I enjoy about my job.
That puts us on 52 Skate over the last 7 days, we still have 8 days to go!!
It would be incredible if we hit the 100 mark before we leave.
Size Matters (Scotland)
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