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  • 17/09/2018 Fishing Report by Jon Whitton on Alexia (Whitby, North Yorkshire)

    17 Sep 2018 by Jon Whitton

    Report on-board Alexia

    Monday 17th september 2018 we fished our first trip in the wcsa autumn festival with regulars Chris lax , Stu Spink and the lads from hull. 5 anglers in total. We fished a well known wreck approx 12 miles down the coast. The tides were spot on (neaps) and it wasn't long before the lads were into ling . The lads were fishing with a mixture of rigs from baited hokkais to shad and side winders . The weather was forecast for it to get fairly breezy from the south east from around dinner but it never came and the lads boated over 40 ling up to 11lb 10oz with the general stamp been between 6lb and 10lb. We spent several hours on the wreck picking up fish every drift. Just after dinner we moved on trying various wrecks whilst heading back to whitby and picked up around half a dozen codlings up to 7lb. Unfortunately we didn't manage any places amongst the prizes for the day. The comp runs until the 30th September so hopefully we can sneak a day or 2 before the festival ends and hopefully get amongst the prizes. To book or for more info contact barry on 07470354403

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