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  • 10/2018 Fishing Report by Kevin McKie on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)

    Oct 2018 by Kevin McKie

    Report on-board Size Matters

    [This report was written when Size Matters was operating from Plymouth]

    The Summer 2018 season has now come to an end in Plymouth for Size Matters, we are now steaming north to Costa Del Liverpool for the winter Cod season on the mighty river Mersey.

    Looking back over the 2018 season in Plymouth it’s been the best year for weather for many years.

    Some days we where praying for bad weather just to get a day or two off for a rest, it’s not often a charter boat says that.

    The fishing this year was very good for sharks,
    our best day was 80 Blue Sharks in a day and a new boat record.

    The wreck fishing on the drift for was good from April to July our best day was 93 Pollack, 21 Ling, 16 Coalfish , 3 Megrim and a Conger.

    The Conger fishing was very poor compared to previous years, this was because we had two algae blooms this summer.

    Normally we only get one in May but this year it happened in May and again in August, at times it was like red snot dripping from the line.

    I have never seen it this bad before and I do truly believe when it settles on the sea bed it gets in the Congers gills and they don’t feed as much as they would normally.

    Our best day on the Conger was 65 to 58lb and 6 Ling to 18lb in just 4 hours fishing.

    Last year we out best day was 109 Conger to 63lb, 4 Ling to 28lb and 1 Cod 16lb.
    All in 5 hours fishing, Nigel Mcloughlin from the British Conger Club was onboard that day and he said that was a very busy day!!

    Also it was good to see so many John Dory’s, normally we only catch a few in a season but this year we managed 11 to 7lb!

    New species this season on Size Matters,
    Six Gill Sharks (Unofficial British Record),
    Blue Skate (Unofficial British Record),
    Blue Whiting, Atlantic Bonito Tuna and Megrim.

    We caught over 40 species of fish this season if we done more species hunts we would get well over 50 a season.

    We are now fully booked for 2019 from Plymouth and only have 16 days available for 2020.

    It seem like a life time ago when I bought
    Size Matters back in March 2016 and this was only our 3rd season in Plymouth, imagine what we are going to catch in the future!!!


    Kevin Mckie
    Size Matters (Plymouth)


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