View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Dave Builth
on Upholder (Amble, Northumberland)
5 Apr 2011 by Dave Builth
Report on-board Upholder
Catch report April 2011
So far 2011 is off to a good start with the first of the codling’s being caught on the 7th of April which is nearly three weeks earlier than normal.
The first of the codling’s were clean fresh fish, most of the fish being returned due to the fish being thin and out of condition but there were 20 codlings kept between 4 anglers best was around the 4lbto 5lb mark.
April the 9th
Southend SAC from Carlisle had 72 codling’s to keep between 8 anglers and as usual only kept only the best of the fish was kept with nothing being taken under 16 inches and the best Codling being around the 5.5lb to 6lb mark.
Thursday April 21st
A party of 10 anglers made up of individuals caught a total of 104 codlings, as usual nothing was kept under 16inches or 2.5 lb. and the best of the fish were around the 6lb mark.
Without doubt the best bait has been cooked prawns and squid strips fished on Daylites and Hokki’s ,
Good sport was to be had on Shads fished on light tackle.
Saturday April 22nd,
Steven Muir and his group of lads from Gretna area had 74 codlings for 8 anglers and
Local angler Martin Woods had the best codling at 6.5lb (see photos).
Saturday 23rd,
Maggie Mays SAC from Carlisle kept 107 codlings with countless smaller fish being returned,
The quality of the fish has improved and the average size is around 3lb to 4lb mark with still nothing over
Sunday 24th,
Alan Haggon and the Port of Leith SAC kept 85 Codlings most of which were caught on
Fresh dug Lug worm fished on light tackle.
To sum up April the fishing started early this year with fish being caught in late March/early April this being
Due to the very mild April and the spring starting early but we did have to cancel trips in late April Due to strong East to South East winds.
All in all the fishing has been very good and has fished more like June than April with the average catch per angler around 10 codling to keep mostly caught on Squid Strip And Prawns fished on traces.
The water has be very clear and the bloom in the water cleared early this year.View Boats Page