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  • 28/12/2018 Fishing Report by dominic wilson on Dawn Venture (Portpatrick, Dumfries & Galloway)

    28 Dec 2018 by dominic wilson

    Report on-board Dawn Venture

    Period 28/12 - 4/1/19.......

    Finally the winds eased and we have managed 3 days fishing and some nice fish were landed.We had a common skate (30lb) several huss(12lb) loads of mini spurdogs (12" long!) which I have never seen,loads of tiny dogfish,plenty of whiting,some small haddock and one solitary spurdog of 7lb.
    Below are the largest fish of the year,captors name in brackets:

    common skate 139lb (sandy)
    tope 35lb (dominic / dave)
    huss 18lb (dominic)
    spurdog 22lb (willie) (unofficial scottish record)
    pollack 8.8lb (john from blackpool)
    ballan wrasse 2.5lb (scott)
    blonde ray 12lb (chris)
    thornback ray 12lb (lawther jr)

    and the rarest of the year was a 3oz poor cod

    **** From April 1st til October 30th 2019 I will be running a competition for the largest COMMON SKATE of the year.Entry will be £2 and once the cost of the rod has been covered( £100) ,then all other proceeds will go to the lifeboat(RNLI). The rod is a 50lb class all roller Pen Regiment rod with a corduba rod tube which will be held on board.All you need to do is make your intention to enter clear before we sail, pay £2 and leave your address/email with me and once the terminal date is reached,if youve won,Ill contact you.*****

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