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  • 04/05/2011 Fishing Report by Dave Builth on Upholder (Amble, Northumberland)

    4 May 2011 by Dave Builth

    Report on-board Upholder

    May Catch Report

    May 4th/ 5th
    Fishing was patchy due to the unsettled weather and a South East swell and it took a few days
    To settle down at best there were only 3 or 4 Codlings kept per Angler which has Knocked the average per rod down.

    May 6th
    The NEDL Sea Angling Club fished a points competition catch and release one point per fish catch and release, of course there were a few fish taken for the freezer about 50 between 10 anglers to be precise.
    In total there were 133 codlings caught all on prawns and squid fished on traces.
    Top Angler John Mathews 25 Codlings
    2nd Danny Gilhome 19 Codlings
    3rd Kev Garside 17 Codlings
    4th Dave Rudick 15 Codlings two of which were over 6lb

    Biggest Fish was 8.5lb caught by Michael Clinton (See Photo)

    May 7th/8th Cancelled Due to southeast winds force 4 to 5 occasionally force 6

    May 13th
    Alcan SAC had a trip organised by Alan Haddaway , 10 anglers had a total of 150 codlings to
    Keep with Jim Bamburgh catching a total of 27 codlings. The average weight of the codlings was
    2.5lb to 4lb, with loads of fish being returned around the 2lb mark.

    May 14th
    The Southend SAC from Carlisle had 93 codlings to take home with the biggest codling was caught by Stew Chardler and weighed in at 6lb.

    May 15th
    A party of 10 anglers mainly from the Dalston SAC had 83 codlings to keep the biggest was caught by Winston Collings and weighed 7.5lb, Les McVity had the second biggest codling at 7lb.

    All in all Codlings have been plentiful and the average to keep per angler is around 10 per head with no need to travel any distance, all the fish were caught in shallow water, mainly on Prawns and squid fished on Daylights and Hokkis.
    The odd Mackerel has been caught with 12 being caught last Wednesday the 18th of May.

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