View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Matt Forrester
on Silver Halo (Torquay, Devon)
13 Feb 2019 by Matt Forrester
Report on-board Silver Halo
I've only run 3 trips since my last report and the good news is the size and numbers of pollock have slowly been creeping up.
However, they still are well behind what is to be expected for this time of year and all charters and rod and line commercials have found the same.
The water temps to the South and West are still higher than normal so this could be one of the causes? A couple more cold snaps wouldn't be a bad thing and we have our fingers crossed that its not 'over' fishing!!!
So, over the last 3 trips Ive fished wrecks through Lyme Bay and to the South. We have had many double figure pollock and the best being 16lb 8oz with a couple coming in over 14lb.
Each trip has seen a better result but we've only really found 1 or 2 wrecks producing fish each trip. On my offshore trips I often travel between 50 and 90 miles and often look at 5 or 6 different wrecks a trip! Other species caught have been Cod, Cuckoo Wreasse and Pout.
Please get intouch with any enquiries and get over to my Facebook group for regular short notice spaces and trips.
Thanks Matt.View Boats Page
Thu 08/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, offshore wrecking with jigs and luresView details Wed 28/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. MAX of 4 anglers, offshore wrecks with jigs and luresView details Thu 29/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers offshore wrecking with jigs and luresView details Fri 30/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, offshore with jigs and luresView details Mon 09/06/2025 3 Spaces 9 Hours £165.00pp Need 3 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, offshore wreck with jigs and luresView details Wed 09/07/2025 3 Spaces £165.00pp Need 3 more for trip go-ahead. MAX of 4 anglers, offshore wrecks with jigs and luresView details Wed 30/07/2025 3 Spaces £165.00pp Need 3 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, slow pitch jigs and lures, offshoreView details Sat 11/10/2025 1 Space £165.00pp Need 1 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers offshore wrecking with jigs and luresView details