Latest Fishing Reports: Wales

  • 02/06/2014 Fishing Report by Nikolett Szilvia Lukacs on Supreme (Rhyl, Denbighshire)

    2 Jun 2014 by Nikolett Szilvia Lukacs

    Report on-board Supreme

    Yesterday was one of my best day of my life:) I have moved to the UK to Manchester 5 month ago:D I come from Hungary:D In my country we don't have a sea just a small lake which is called Balaton lake:D Every summer we went there with my family and we very enyojed the sailing boat:D I thought that will be the same feeling if I am going fishing:D buttttt that was much better!!!! After the fishing we went to the sea and made a fish BBQ:D like Bear Grills:P It was a lovely day!!!
    My Decathlon collegues organised a fising in Rhyl with Steve captain:)
    Steve captain was very helpful and hospitable with us:) He gave good information about fishing:D
    For me was the first time and I was very supraised when when I catched my first fish!!!! That was a big Dab:D
    We have a great 5hours long fishing:D with sunshine and with a lot of fish.
    Thank you for the good service and thanks for the help!!! And last but not least was very delicious the tea:D:D :D I loved that,

    Satisfied fisher:D
    from Stockport Decahtlon
    Cycles Accessories Department

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  • 05/2014 Fishing Report by David Axtell on Seren y Mor (Swansea, Vale of Glamorgan)

    May 2014 by David Axtell

    Report on-board Seren y Mor

    Fishing started a bit slow at the beginning of the month with small eyed rays and huss making up the catch, but by the middle of the month smoothounds arrived inshore in good numbers. Top bait is peeler/soft crab as usual but some days they are not too fussy and are taking hardbacks equally well, averaging 30-50 hounds 7lb-14lb in weight most days.

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  • 25/05/2014 Fishing Report by Rob Batterbee on Goldilocks (Rhyl, Denbighshire)

    25 May 2014 by Rob Batterbee

    Report on-board Goldilocks

    A fantastic day out with Gwyn!

    What a character he is. Really looked after all the anglers on the boat with good tips and plenty of brews. Even a great pasty too!

    Plenty of Bull Huss about and a few Mackerel were showing despite the murky water. Hopefully when we go again in July there will be more Mackerel about. Live whiting was a good bait too.

    Thanks very much for a great day skipper. See you in July!

    Rob Batterbee

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  • 25/05/2014 Fishing Report by Bruce Hough on Spindrift New Dawn (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)

    25 May 2014 by Bruce Hough

    Report on-board Spindrift New Dawn

    Cracking day out once again with this Skipper... 11 species in total incl many PB fish for our party including Huss to 12lb, Spurdogs to 14lb, few early small Tope, Ballan Wrasse, plenty of nice Pollack and Coalfish, Conger, and even a surprise Ling - thanks again Gareth!

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  • 05/2014 Fishing Report by Aaron Smith on Bad Boyz VI (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)

    May 2014 by Aaron Smith

    Report on-board Bad Boyz VI

    New for 2014 a large Sandeel trawl, we will be keeping a stock of live sandeels on board Bad boyz to help minimize your spends on bait.
    If anyone has fished with them before will know they are almost unbeatable and will take fish even on slow days.

    This is also in aid of off the all new to Bad Boyz Charters which is the Bass trips, we will be running down the llyn Peninsula to an area known as the tripods banks which come alive for bass through till December.

    We are the only vessel offerring these trips on the west coast of Anglesey as well as Wrecking.

    Next Individuals wrecking trip 13th June, there is 4 Spaces still available

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  • 05/2014 Fishing Report by Jack Thomas on Incentive (Colwyn Bay, Conwy)

    May 2014 by Jack Thomas

    Report on-board Incentive

    The smoothhounds are moving in now, had a few yesterday close inshore on peeler crab. The general bottom fishing is improving, still seeing good numbers of codling coming up with dabs whiting dogs gurnards and huss making up the majority of the catch. The algae has been pretty thick lately but has shown signs of clearing, when that happens the mackerel should make more of an appreance.

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  • 18/05/2014 Fishing Report by Aaron Smith on Bad Boyz VI (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)

    18 May 2014 by Aaron Smith

    Report on-board Bad Boyz VI

    Well over the last couple of weeks the fishing has picked up dramatically, the inshore reeds are starting to produce a good number of fish upto the 3lb Mark and on light tackle its always a good sporting day.

    As we saw the fishing in 2012 the amount of Codling around broken ground has been tremendous, if this is anything to look at we hope to have as good of a year on the wrecks for Cod as we did back then with the boat record at 1540lb of fish in a single day !

    The first Mackerel of the year came over the gunnels this last week which means the we will be starting to run 20-30 miles down the coast in search of Bass, Bream and Turbot in this next for weeks.

    There are still a splattering of these trips available through to when the bass finish in late November there after we will be talking to many of the club's that fish with us annually to offer trips in the Liverpool Mersey for the winter Cod uptiding season where we will be based until April.

    The Smooth-hounds are also starting to make an appearance in Holyhead Bay and with them being so close you barely manage to get up to our 16knt cruise speed by the time your there, most of our fishing for Smoothies will be done on 4 hour eveing trips offered @£20 including bait and tackle this is a great sport with tackle spinning rods in 40ft of water !!!!

    We have space available Wrecking for Pollack and Cod on the 12/13th June

    Tight lines

    Aaron & Mel

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  • 17/05/2014 Fishing Report by Steve Andrews on Supreme (Rhyl, Denbighshire)

    17 May 2014 by Steve Andrews

    Report on-board Supreme

    May has been a very steady month for the fishing and weather allowing us to get out regularly .Never seen so many cod in the area before , rays , huss plentiful with gurnard now starting to put an appearance in .
    The picture shows two budding skippers in the making Ella and Monty on their first boat trip

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  • 05/05/2014 Fishing Report by David Axtell on Seren y Mor (Swansea, Vale of Glamorgan)

    5 May 2014 by David Axtell

    Report on-board Seren y Mor

    First trips of the new season over the weekend, small eyed rays, bull huss and strap conger making up the bulk of the catch, smoothounds are due anytime.

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  • 04/2014 Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)

    Apr 2014 by Gethyn Owen

    Report on-board My Way 2

    Early April and the weather played havoc with our scheduled days afloat. This year we cancelled the vast majority of trips during the first two weeks of April, with our first day afloat not coming until Friday 11th.

    This day was planned for Holyhead Deep, following our last day in the Deep during the previous set of neap tides in March, hopes were high for a good number of double figure spurs. We started off at anchor with everyone pulling in regular quantities of dogfish and small whiting or the odd codling.
    Once the tide had eased slightly we continued our day on the drift, looking to help a few of the guys to first pollack and coalfish species for their 2014 hunts. Thankfully the fish were obliging and we managed to bag a few around the boat; nothing big, with the vast majority all under 2lb in weight.

    We made our way to the deeps and decided to have a little play on one of the wrecks on our way. A little early on the calender for our part of the UK, but always worth a go when you're passing. Sadly, nothing doing, not even one small take this time around. Anchored in the deeps, photos from the last trip out here in everyones mind but the fishing just didn't get going. We managed a few good huss, and also a handful of spurs, but nothing of any great size.

    Gareth P managed his first ever spurdog, despite being only a few pound in weight, a first is always a great achievement. Another My Way regular, Tojo, also managed to land a few spurdogs, but again nothing of any real size.

    The following couple days we were stuck tight inshore with strong southerly winds taking control of the seas around Holyhead. Anglers still managed to bag plenty of fish including a decent variety with dogs and huss playing a large part of every day. Together with codling, whiting and a splattering of other species.

    Each year during the Easter break we run Introduction trips, where children and adult novices alike get to sample boat fishing at a reduced cost. Our first day was met with swell left over from the weekend, along with the remnants of a strong NW breeze. Despite this the youngsters made the most of their introduction to angling trip. Restricted travel, but we still caught plenty of dogfish along with a few huss, codling and a nice ling. Great fun and some brilliant smiles through the day. You can read more on this trip and the following Introduction trips in the June 2014 issue of Boat Fishing Monthly.

    With spring tides and breezy weather, we spent the next week fishing in and around Holyhead Bay. All crews managed some good fishing, again hampered by very dirty water, with many dogfish coming over the side of My Way, with some anglers fishing for them in quantity, the dogs appeared in 1's, 2's, and 3's!

    Changing tact slightly and adjusting rigs and baits, species aboard My Way included the regulars such as huss, whiting, dabs and codling abut also a good number of small ling, a good few thornies, along with more pollack and coalfish and also a lost spurdog!

    During one conversation with Harry, we spoke of the possibilty of seeing a new species aboard My Way during 2014. In recent years we had been fortunate enough to see a few rare species, tadpole fish, topknots and also an angler fish and streaked gurnard. Couple days later, what happens along, a lumpsucker! An amazing looking creature.

    As the last week in April drew nearer, the tides started to drop and again we turned our attentions to fishing the deeper water 8miles off the coast of Anglesey. The unpredictability of the month to date can be clearly seen from 2 trips, to the same mark that week.

    Our first day provided the guys with some great early season fishing, with a good number of spurdogs into double figures, huss, conger and also the first tope of the year, a well conditioned long male weighing in at 26lb.

    Couple days later, we were back out there, same mark, similar tide & weather conditions! Sadly though the fish never read this particular script. We managed to pull in only 1 tope, a few small spurdogs and couple huss. With the exception of a small conger at then end, but thankfully a first for young Rhys, the remainder of the catch was dogfish with the odd whiting!

    Back inshore for the last few trips of the month, with a good number of pollack and coalfish once again on the drift with a reliable mixed bag at anchor.
    Waters are showing signs of clearing up nicely and with both the air and sea temperatures on the rise, crabs are peeling and many more species are moving into our waters. Our focus will soon be turning to the long awaited return of the smoothhounds, a firm favourite with many of our crews.

    More photos at

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