Latest Fishing Reports: United Kingdom

  • 05/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Baker on Sally Ann Jo (Weymouth, Dorset)

    May 2009 by Colin Baker

    Report on-board Sally Ann Jo

    Yesterday, 30th May, saw the best bream to the boat this year, a fish of 4lb 10oz to Lionel from Holland. It was his first bream, caught on his first drop of the day, before most others had tackled up! That’s the way to start, but difficult to repeat. The rest of the lads did their best to beat him and though they had fish all day and a number of double hits of bream up to 3lb couldn’t do so. The month has been good with a variety of species including tope, smoothounds, pollack, cod, some huge garfish, bass, even topknots and cuttlefish to mention a few. The weekend just gone saw mackerel around in reasonable numbers and a good showing of joeys amongst them so next month should see bass over the wrecks and reefs to livebaits. Looking forward to next month with more good bream, bass, tope and hounds inshore and for those wanting to travel cod, pollack and bass on the drift and conger etc at anchor on the wrecks.

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  • 05/2009 Fishing Report by Alex kweller on Predator (Poole, Dorset)

    May 2009 by Alex kweller

    Report on-board Predator

    I was fortunate enough to be on board Andrew Allsop's new Evolution 30 (White Water) which was launched by Breaksea Boats, fitted with an Iveco NEF 420hp engine, the performance exceeded my expectations; with 650 litres of fuel and six onboard it achieved 30 knots!

    Predator II will have the same Iveco NEF 420hp engine and will be lauched at the end of July. I still have limited weekend dates in August & September for either whole boat charters or individuals.

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  • 28/05/2009 Fishing Report by Allan Skinner on JFK TWO (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)

    28 May 2009 by Allan Skinner

    Report on-board JFK TWO

    had a crackin day out today. flat calm seas warm and sunny.cleared the tyne peirs for 7.45am. headed to the first wreck in hope of mackrel, [normally in by now but slightly late this season]. imediaterly a couple of rods double over into fish. however it was obvious from the bend and pulling motion these were bigger than macrkel, sure enougth two plump cod at 3 and 4 pounds lay on the deck. perfect white bellied cod. [nice clesn run cod]
    another pass and another couple of simalar cod.then one lone mackrel. the first this season. and as it happens the only mackrel of the day. set off to the next wreck. again a fish or two almost every drift with cod and ling to about 7lbs.
    a steady stream of fish coming over the gunnel.this pattern of fishing continued as we worked our way steaderly offshore. with a cod of 14.5lbs coming aboard several ling into double figures. then over the slack water a lovely ling of 16.5lbs followed quickly by a pollack of 10lbs both to the same lucky angler. all in all a crackin day afloat just the 1.5 hours steam home and to do it all again tommorrow are well??

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  • 29/05/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    29 May 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    MICK LINGS IN A TURBOT - Mick and his crew decided to go wrecking instead of doing the intended flatty trip.A steady stream of cod,pollack and a bass had been caught by the afternoon.So the next target was ling.Some ling had started to be caught up to 15Ib when Mick's rod bent into a fish which we assumed was a ling.What a surprise when a big turbot was landed.Bearing in mind Mick had not caught a fish all day up to that point and had been getting a bit of *iss taking from his mates.The turbot weighed 16Ib 12oz and the successful bait was whole calamari squid.

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  • 19/05/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    19 May 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    FLAMER FIRST - Peter Gillet from Ipswich caught a mullet,but not any old mullet in fact he landed a rare Golden Grey Mullet.This particular mullet was another species to add to the already impressive Flamer all time species list.Peter caught the fish on small shrimp hoki's baited with small ragworm.Peter is pictured with his prize catch.

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  • 18/05/2009 Fishing Report by john reynders on Lisa Jane (Canvey Island, Essex)

    18 May 2009 by john reynders

    Report on-board Lisa Jane

    great day out jon dickens skippered the boat to great fishing spots we all caught fish within minutes of dropping anchor fish ranged from dog fish , skate , whitting , . it was a varied day weather wise jon delivered great fishing , great service and the best cup of tea in essex . for the novices on our boat he supplied knowledge assistance with bait and handling the fish . well don skip and first mate service fantastic .

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  • 09/05/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    9 May 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    NOTTINGHAM SEA SPECIMAN GROUP - had a weekends fishing on Flamer III.
    Day 1/ was spent flatty fishing.First we drifted the mussel beds in search of plaice but the plaice were not hungry.We then moved to the Famous Shambles Bank which proved to be more fruitful with three turbot being caught in only four drifts.Steve Craven age 63 landed two weighing 4Ib and 14Ib and Brab Hallowes weighed in with an 11 pounder.Steve is pictured with his 14 pounder.
    Day/2 we went offshore wrecking and caught cod and pollack up to 12Ib on a variety of lures.Also ling were caught on baits but most of them were caught on rhubarb and custard sidewinders.

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  • 10/05/2009 Fishing Report by Allan Skinner on JFK TWO (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)

    10 May 2009 by Allan Skinner

    Report on-board JFK TWO

    eventually after a very blowy couple of weeks, sunday was a lovely day. flat calm seas awaited us.went around about 8 wrecks a few fish off each wreck. [the wrecks and hard ground actually fished better when the wind was howling].
    the slack water period proved to be the best time with several reasonable ling coming aboard over this period. by now the sun was out and the teperatures picked up and it was turning into a hot flat day with the sea turning into a sheet of glass a couple of cod just on the double figure mark also put in an apperance. before we knew it the day had flown over and it was time to steam home. approxamterly 1 and a half hours home.a little bit of video was made of the day if you wish to see it please click link to our website then link to videos

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  • 10/05/2009 Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)

    10 May 2009 by Gethyn Owen

    Report on-board My Way 2

    As the season progresses the fishing is continuing to hot up nicely.
    Pollack are still being caught on the inshore rock marks; with an average stamp of 3lb, we’ve had a few coalies thrown in but mainly on the small side. Mackerel are now inshore in relatively good numbers, which is in all honesty early for us. We usually see a good run of the mackerel appearing around the end of this month.

    Another early starter is the number of tope around, not in the great numbers or sizes as is witnessed later on in the year, but averaging 25lb and up to half a dozen in a few hrs fishing has been a pleasant surprise to some of our fishing trips.

    Smoothies and rays are showing slowly as the month continues, Mike Green from Hindley Hare and Hound SAC struck gold with an excellent Thornback ray of 16lb 2oz to take his clubs pool money on a recent trip.

    Short and sweet for today, happy fishing all

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  • 07/05/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    7 May 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    SUSSEX BOYS GET THE FLATS - Dave Metcalf and crew fished in windy conditions on their two day trips and were rewarded withe some fine plaice and turbot.Pictured are Daves team holding up a plaice each which they had caught during an early session on the mussel beds.The succcessful bait being ragworm and squid strip.

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