Latest Fishing Reports: United Kingdom

  • 08/2008 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Aug 2008 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    August was very un summer like with the unsettled weather. The black bream fishing was consistant on the reefs and mussel beds.Tope,Rays,Conger,Bull Huss,cod were caught on the many reefs. Some good size Undulate rays were landed during August on a variety of marks.Turbot and Brill featured on the famous Shambles Bank. Plaice in the 3 to 4Ib range were caught on the mussel beds during the end of the month.51 different species now caught on Flamer III so far this year, two notable additions in August were a porebeagle shark and small eyed ray. Flamer Fish of the Month for August is awarded to Paul Lawson with a Black Bream weighing 3Ib 12oz.

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  • 07/2008 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Jul 2008 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    July saw some unseasonal unsettled and windy weather. The reefs and mussel beds produced some good black bream fishing along with bull Huss, Cod, Congers, Tope, Rays etc. The offshore wrecks were still good for Pollack and Cod. The shambles bank was consistent as ever for Brill and Turbot. 49 different species caught on flamer iii so far in 2009. Flamer fish of the month for July was awarded to David Rigby with his Brill weighing 8ib 8oz. Book now for 2009.

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  • 06/2008 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Jun 2008 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    The offshore wrecking was just brilliant for cod,pollack,and ling along with some conger action.The best Pollack of June weighing 18Ib was landed by Alf honour. The reefs produced Tope,Rays,Conger,Bull Huss,Pollack,Black Bream etc. The mussel beds saw plenty of cod and some big plaice.The Shambles Bank was consistant for Turbot and Brill. The June 5 day West Country Trip was good and enjoyable with plenty of species being caught including cod,pollack,ling,congers,plaice and a john dory and many more. The Flamer III species count for 2008 is now up to 46. Flamer Fish of the Month for June was awarded to Eddy Leatherbarrow with a 6Ib Plaice. NOW TAKING BOOKINGS FOR 2009

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  • 04/2008 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Apr 2008 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    April was a good month with lots of good specimens being caught. Big plaice from the mussel beds with 4 to 5 pounders common and on one trip Pete Edwards landed a 5ib 8oz plaice and on the next drift his mate mark warren landed a 6ib plaice. On the shambles bank there were also some plaice although these were smaller fish how ever some turbot were caught with the biggest of 23ib going to warren knapp. The reefs produced bull Huss,Congers,Smooth Hounds,Cod and Rays. Black bream showed up on marks to the east of Weymouth. The flamer species count so far in 2009 is 33. Flamer fish of the month for April was awarded to Tony Barnes who landed a superb blonde ray weighing 33ib.the ray was weighed and photographed and returned alive.

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  • 05/2008 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    May 2008 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    Some excellent offshore wrecking trips with plenty of Cod,Pollack and ling caught along with some bass. The shambles bank produced some good turbot catches. On the many reefs good catches of Tope,Smooth Hounds,Bull Huss,Black,Bream,Rays etc were had. On the mussell beds some specimen size plaice were landed. My first 5 day west country trip took place and a good time was had by all and some good fish were caught including Bass,Pollack,Bull Huss along with plenty of plaice the best a 4ib 8oz plaice from the skerries bank caught by Malocolm Hiscock. 42 different species caught so far on flamer iii in 2008. Flamer fish of the month in may was awarded to Kevin Wollley with a 23ib ling.

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  • 03/2008 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Mar 2008 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    The weather in March was awful. The first Plaice were caught on the Shambles Bank with eddy Dart landing one weighing 4Ib 2oz also the first Turbot of the year were caught. The inshore reefs produced some good congers with Jamie Watts landing two personal bests with eels weighing 45Ib and 54Ib.One wrecking trip was done with some nice pollack being landed. Species count so far is 27 for the year.Flamer Fish of the Month for March is awarded to Jamie Watts - Conger 54Ib.

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  • 02/2008 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Feb 2008 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    Trips done in the weather windows produced some good catches.The inshore reef and bank marks producing rays,conger,huss,smooth hounds,etc.The Flamer Friday Fishers Species League had it's first match of the year and 14 different species were caught and Jim Whippy was match 1 winner .The offshore wrecking for pollack was superb with 40 to 60plus pollack a trip the norm. Trevor Locker wins Flamer Fish of the Month for February with a pollack weighing 17Ib 8oz.(sorry no picture).

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  • 01/2008 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Jan 2008 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    Only a few trips done due to the windy weather. However one offshore wrecking trip was done with 30 Pollack being caught on a variety of lures. The inshore fishing produced Rays,Whiting,Congers,Smooth Hounds,Spurdogs,Pouts,Dogfish etc. Species count stands at 10 for 2008 at present. Flamer fish of the month for January was awarded to Sam Carlyon with a superb whiting weighing 4ib 8oz. Don't miss out - book your trips now for 2008.

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  • 01/2007 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Jan 2007 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    Only one trip due to the weather and Flamer III out of the water for winter re fit.

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  • 02/2007 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Feb 2007 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    Again not many trips due to the bad weather. The inshore fishing on the reefs and banks was very good with plenty of Rays,Congers,Bull Huss,Whiting,Smooth Hounds etc The bad weather and dirty water put pay to the wrecking ,which was a shame because this is normaly the time for big pollack,so hopefully we will get at them in March.17 different species caught on Flamer III so far in 2007.Gary Mackenzie caught a superb specimen Undulate Ray weighing 16Ib 4oz. But Flamer Fish of the Month is awarded to with a weighing which is only a pound under the British Record.

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