Charter Boat: Piscary

Boat and Skipper Details

Licensed For: up to 10 passengers
Code Of Practice: 60 miles day and night
Hours: 3hr / 4hr / 5hr / 6hr / 7hr / 8hr / 9hr / 10hr / 11hr / 12hr / 24hr / Multiple Days Trips
Type of Fishing: During the summer months you can expect Bass, Bream, Pollack,Rays, Conger,Plaice,Smoothounds, Brill, TurbotTope. During autumn and winter Bass, Conger, Cod Whiting.
Tackle Available: Yes - Contact Skipper
Bait Available: Yes - Contact Skipper
Boat Specification: Cougar 10m Catamaran twin 250hp FPT engines quick and very roomy for it's size.
Facilities: On deck toilet, Side entry door,Cabin heater,Plenty of tea and Coffee.
Additional Description:

Piscary can be booked for all types of angling from Mackerel trips to offshore Anchoring .Piscary is a fully independant charter boat,can not be booked through any booking agent or middle man and can only be booked directly through the owner Skipper Matt Rowe . It's best to contact by text or watts app message as email and voicemail don't always come through out at sea. Please note that there is a strict no alcohol policy on board Piscary due to health and safety and insurance issues.

Piscary Skipper Matt Rowe's Photo
About the Skipper:

Matt has been sea fishing around Poole and Christchurch Bay for over 40years. He started as a boy in small fishing boat. He knows the area very well and if the fish are there he can find them.

November 2024

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Color for Fully Booked
Fully Booked
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Whole Boat Available
Color for Partially Booked
Partially Booked (Individual Spaces)
Color for Whole Boat or Individuals
Whole Boat or Individuals
Color for Not Available
Color for Unspecified

N.B. Not all Skippers keep this dairy up-to-date. Always check with skippers before making any plans. Last calendar update: 17-Sep-2024

Fri 1st Nov

Make Enquiry

Sat 2nd Nov

Fully Booked More Details

Sun 3rd Nov

Make Enquiry

Mon 4th Nov

Individual Spaces More Details

Tue 5th Nov

Fully Booked More Details

Wed 6th Nov

Fully Booked More Details

Thu 7th Nov

Fully Booked More Details

Fri 8th Nov

Fully Booked More Details

Sat 9th Nov

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Sun 10th Nov

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Mon 11th Nov

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Tue 12th Nov

Individual Spaces
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Wed 13th Nov

Fully Booked More Details

Thu 14th Nov

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Fri 15th Nov

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Sat 16th Nov

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Sun 17th Nov

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Mon 18th Nov

Individual Spaces
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Tue 19th Nov

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Wed 20th Nov

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Thu 21st Nov

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Fri 22nd Nov

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Sat 23rd Nov

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Sun 24th Nov

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Mon 25th Nov

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Tue 26th Nov

Individual Spaces
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Wed 27th Nov

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Thu 28th Nov

Fully Booked More Details

Fri 29th Nov

Fully Booked More Details

Sat 30th Nov

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Upcoming Individual Spaces on Piscary

Sun 22/09/2024 6 Spaces 8 Hours
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Mon 23/09/2024 2 Spaces 8 Hours
Spaces for individuals on an afternoon evening trip
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Tue 24/09/2024 6 Spaces 8 Hours
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Fri 27/09/2024 5 Hours
Spaces on an evening trip for Tiggers and Sole
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Mon 07/10/2024 6 Spaces 8 Hours
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Fri 11/10/2024 9 Hours
Spaces on an individuals trip possibly offshore
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Tue 15/10/2024 4 Spaces
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Mon 21/10/2024 6 Spaces 8 Hours
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Thu 31/10/2024 6 Spaces
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Mon 04/11/2024 6 Spaces 8 Hours
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Tue 12/11/2024 6 Spaces 8 Hours
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Mon 18/11/2024 6 Spaces 8 Hours
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Tue 26/11/2024 6 Spaces 8 Hours
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Mon 02/12/2024 6 Spaces 8 Hours
Spaces on an individuals trip
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Mon 16/12/2024 6 Spaces 8 Hours
Spaces on an individuals trip
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View more availability on the Full Calendar


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Bait & Tackle

Latest Catches 96 photos uploaded

Captain Mat

3 lb 5 oz Three Bearded Rockling

Andy Smith

5 lb 13 oz Trigger Fish

Kevin Patrick

2 lb 5 oz Gilt-head Sea Bream

Kim Andrews

1 lb 12 oz Red Mullet

Roy Adams

5 lb 7 oz Trigger Fish

Darren Windsor

1 lb 10 oz Red Mullet

Jay Hemming

5 lb 2 oz Trigger Fish

Nick lark

3 lb 13 oz European Eel


14 lb 4 oz Bull Huss

Nick lark

17 lb 8 oz Thornback Ray

Darren Phillips

1 lb 5 oz Red Mullet

Kim Bowden

19 lb 10 oz Undulate Ray

Alan Jones

12 lb 8 oz Small-Eyed Ray

Alan Bird

9 oz Greater Weever

Vernon Allan

3 lb 14 oz Thin-Lipped Grey Mullet

Rex Swansbury

1 lb 10 oz Red Gurnard


Latest Fishing Reports and News

  • 17/09/2024 Fishing Report by Matt Rowe

    17 Sep 2024 by Matt Rowe

    Fishing has been a bit hit and miss over the last couple of weeks, and there is still a huge number of small Black Bream that make it hard to catch anything else .
    Four matches on the boat this week, first it was the Swan Kings Clear Sea angling club, and despite the unpleasant conditions they managed 16 species including some nice Bream, Bass ,Red Mullet ,Red Bream and Undulate Ray. Top 3 in the points
    1st Uwe Brown 170
    2nd Billy 168
    3rd little Willy 130
    Next it was the Thursday round of the Piscary Super League they had 23 species Blonde Ray,Smalleyed Ray, Plaice, Gurnards, Dragonets,Rockcook Wrasse over 90 Red Bream ! and Brill! Top 3 in the points
    1st Luke Allen 323
    2nd Ray Barron 315
    3rd Steve Harder 304
    Next it was the Friday round of the Piscary Super League not quite as good as Thursday with 19 species. Including Tope Smoothounds more Rockcook Wrasse and Red Bream plus Turbot!
    Last it was the Piscary Friday evening league, bit of a struggle again lots of Bream but only 7 species, Top 3 were
    1st Jay Hemming 114
    2nd Darren Phillips 90
    3rd Perry Dack 86
    In the pleasure days this week along with the thousands of small Bream we have had plenty of Mackerel and Scad most days along with all the other above species, plus a bonus day time Sole!
    There are spaces for individuals coming up on Tuesday the 24th. Looking for a stand in for the Super League on Thursday the 26th and Friday the 27th and there is the last evening trip of the year on the 27th
    If you are interested in booking in or have any inquiries please text me 07775756269.

  • 01/09/2024 Fishing Report by Matt Rowe

    1 Sep 2024 by Matt Rowe

    Been species fishing mostly this week not that many species unfortunately but we have seen the return of some Mackerel and Scad plus lots and lots of Bream mostly on the small side but a few nice ones mixed in , Plenty of Congers the odd Ray and some nice Bass! In the 2024 species hunt the boat is now on 53
    Ray Barron is still in the lead with 33
    2nd Jay Hemming 32
    3rd Nick Lark 29

  • 18/08/2024 Fishing Report by Matt Rowe

    18 Aug 2024 by Matt Rowe

    Two matches on the boat again last weekend.First it was the latest round of the Piscary evening league, unfortunately although it was a good tide and reasonable weather the fishing was very disappointing. Only 7 species although we did end up with quite a few Bream ,Sole and Red Mullet.
    Top 3 on the night
    1st Andy Pedon 87
    2nd Gary Rook 86
    3rd Damen Court 72.
    The latest round of the Piscary Sunday league was totally different, 25 species including Axillary Bream, Weaver,Red Mullet,Tope,Rays, Gurnards and Bass.
    Top 3 on the day
    Mike Fox 225
    Jay Hemming 223
    Gorgeous George Fox 208 .
    Weather is a iffy at the moment but there are spaces coming up for individuals on
    Wednesday the 28th offshore anchoring trip.
    Monday the 2nd and Friday the 6th of September. If you are interested in booking in please give me a text 07775756269

  • 01/08/2024 Fishing Report by Matt Rowe

    1 Aug 2024 by Matt Rowe

    2 matches on the boat again last weekend . First it was the king's arms Southampton not quite as good fishing as they had the week before but they did manage 17 species including Rock Cook Wrasse, some nice Plaice, Smoothounds, Gurnards and Pollack. Top 3 in the points
    1st Richard Dicky Day 349
    2nd Paul Hollyoake 312
    3rd Martin Bobbett 301
    On Sunday the IBAC had much better weather which made for slightly better fishing 24 species including another Rock Cook Wrasse, Gurnard, Plaice, Rays,Tope, Smoothound,Bass and Gilthead Bream . Top 3 in the points
    1st Jay Hemming 223
    2nd Ray Barron 206
    3rd Kim Bowden 126.
    On normal trips this week fishing has been a bit difficult due to the wind but we have managed a few nice fish including the first Sole and Axillary Bream of the year this puts the 2024 tally up to 53 .
    There are spaces coming up next week on Tuesday the 13th possibly offshore and Friday the 16th general fishing.If you are interested in booking in please send me a text 07775756269

  • 31/07/2024 Fishing Report by Matt Rowe

    31 Jul 2024 by Matt Rowe

    It's that time of year again and as the sea temperature rises and the water starts to go clear the fishing inshore begins to get very difficult indeed.Even the normal Pout, Congers and Dogfish are reluctant to feed. The fishing offshore is still quite good though plenty of good size Tope, Bullhuss Congers and some really nice Bream .
    In the annual Piscary species hunt the boat tally for 2024 now stands at 51. Top 3 in the rankings at the moment
    1st Ray Barron 33
    2nd Jay Hemming 32
    3rd Nick Lark 28
    3rd Vernon Allen 28
    There are spaces on the boat next Friday the 9th of August flooding tide all day which normally fishes quite well. If you are interested in booking in please send me a Text