Reviews: Bonwey
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Alan Parker (20/08/2015)
Thank you Paul, an awsom days fishing by fishing I mean catching and biggest hound I've had todate maybe a bigger one next trip;) Supper day top Skipper
Alan Parker (19/06/2015)
Thank you Paul, Great full day, you put us over the fish as always and the dogs kept biting and so did the bass and the skate;)
steve brewis (14/06/2015)
another great day out on the bonwey fish a plenty paul has the minus touch on finding the grounds
steve brewis (14/06/2015)
another great day out on the bonwey
Alan Parker (04/06/2015)
Thank you Paul, Great full day, you put us over the fish as always and the dog rolls delicious ;)
Alan Parker (23/05/2015)
Thank you Paul, Great full day, you put us over the fish as always and the dogs kept biting ;) dispite the North East wind
steve brewis (17/05/2015)
bloody good day out paul and tony always on hand to help out and kettle always on some lovely skate coming over the side already booked the whole book for next month
daniel ponder (17/05/2015)
Another great day out with lots of fish. Cheers Paul!!!
Neil Johnson (13/04/2015)
Great morning trip. Highly recommend Bonwey
graham webb (03/04/2015)
Had another good day out on the fish thank you