Latest Fishing Reports: United Kingdom

  • 14/08/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    14 Aug 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    The 2nd FLAMER III SUMMER FESTIVAL was held in AUGUST 2009 - this 5 day competition was a great success.A variety of fishing was done over the 5 days including 2 species hunt days,a conger and ling day,a lure only day and a specimen day.In all 27 different species were caught.
    Results - Overall Singles Champion - Dave Thompson 544 points,Runner Up - Peter Collings 526 points,Weakest Link - Stewert Huggins 378 points.Pairs Winners - Dave Thompson and Peter Collings with 22 species.Most Species - Dave Thompson with 20.
    Best Flatfish - Mick Nunn - Brill 6Ib 8oz.Best Specimen - Stewert Huggins 19Ib Undulate Ray.
    Pictured are some of the guys with their trophies etc.

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  • 15/08/2009 Fishing Report by Dave Saunders on Kellys Hero Charters (Brixham, Devon)

    15 Aug 2009 by Dave Saunders

    Report on-board Kellys Hero Charters

    Recent local reef fishing has produced several unusal species namely:
    A large 'Ribbon fish' which was approx 2 feet long and caused quite a lot of interest from the lads onboard today.
    Species off the local reefs this month are:
    Ballan Wrasse
    Cuckoo Wrasse
    Red Gurnard
    Tub Gurnard
    Channel Whiting
    Mackerel (in abundance)
    Black Bream
    Although we have been busy with 4 and 6 hour trips we are still available for 8 and 10 hour trips to offshore wrecks.

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    Sun 22/09/2024 4 Spaces £55.00pp
    Wildlife of Lyme Bay 11.00 to 17.00hrs 6hrs Robin and Julia David Jenner
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    Wed 16/10/2024 4 Hours £40.00pp
    Wildlife of Lyme Bay
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    Sun 10/11/2024 £55.00pp
    Birds of Lyme Bay 6 hrs David Jenner
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  • 08/2009 Fishing Report by Pete Rose on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)

    Aug 2009 by Pete Rose

    Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl

    This weekend has been a cracker for big cod, on Friday regular local lads Karl and Ken came out with a small group hoping for a few fish and a few personal best’s were well beaten, during the morning mostly small cod and ling were coming aboard and mid day things slowed down because of the size of the tides I guess, then the afternoon brought a second slack and with the sea urchin positioned over a favorite wreck of mine Ken was the first to hit into a fine cod around 12lbs each drift produced more cod around double figures, I then quickly moved the boat over another good wreck which likewise was producing good size cod the last fish of the day fell to Karl which was a personal best for him a cracking cod of 15lb which made his and my day as he only really took up sea fishing last year and has really put the effort in which finally paid off well done mate,
    Saturday was a similar day with another local group who were newcomers to my boat and had not been sea fishing for many many years fishing was similar to the previous day with the best times when the tide eased and in the afternoon things really picked up with double figure cod coming aboard now after relating the previous days tale of the 15lb cod one of the anglers Jim I think, hit into a really good fish and he was using one of my hire rods and reels I have started to guess quite acuratley to the size of fish an angler is winding in by the bend in the rod and I said to him take your time this is a nice fish ( in my head I put it around 13lb or so) and as it came up through the crystal clear water I thought good guess until I realised it was still 40 foot down as soon as it hit the surface I knew it was the biggest cod we had seen this year and on the new boat as well a record for the sea urchin and Jim just over 18lb on the boat scales

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    Fri 27/09/2024
    2 Spaces Available Good Wrecking Tide - 4.43m Jim Lister - x 2 Chris Doran - x 4 Charlie Hewitt - x 1 Jamie Ping - x 1
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    Wed 02/10/2024
    2 Spaces Available Wreck & Reef Tide - 5.46m Tim Little - x 3 Andy Hill - x 1 Soran Barber - x 3
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    Thu 03/10/2024
    1 Space Available Wreck & Reef Tide - 5.54m Peter Clark - x 5 Piotr Maziarz - x 1 Bod - x 2
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    Fri 04/10/2024
    8 Spaces Available Wreck & Reef Tide - 5.55m Will sail with 5 anglers. Jeff Turner - x 1
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    Wed 09/10/2024
    1 Space Available Wreck & Reef Tide - 4.79m Ian Kellock - x 1 Dave Sharp - x 1 Paul Mawson - x 1 Simon Cheung - x 4 Stan Matthews - x 1 Alan Sutcliffe - x 1
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    Tue 15/10/2024
    4 Spaces Available Wreck & Reef Tide - 5.25m Paul Marsh - x 6
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    Tue 22/10/2024
    6 Spaces Available Wreck & Reef Tide - 5.35m Will sail with 5 anglers. Nigel Snowden - x 3
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    Wed 23/10/2024
    5 Spaces Available Wreck & Reef Tide - 4.92m Andy Cooper - x 5
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    Thu 24/10/2024
    1 Space Available Good Wrecking Tide - 4.55m Ian Kellock - x 1 Dave Sharp - x 1 Tony Firman - x 1 Tony Rimmington - x 4 Stan Matthews - x 1 Joe Clough - x 1
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    Sun 27/10/2024
    5 Spaces Available Good Wrecking Tide - 4.60m Mark Davenport - x 2 John Garrens - x 3
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  • 08/08/2009 Fishing Report by Scott Belbin on Galloper (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    8 Aug 2009 by Scott Belbin

    Report on-board Galloper

    after a short holiday abroad we have returned to the reiable thames for some fun summer fishing. we had 8 hire rods out saturday, some of which had been before but most were complete begginers. we had a good day with great weather and a few fish to boot. although we had no massive fish we did have a few smoothounds around the doubles and the biggest was 10.8lbs. by the end of the day the lads had enjoyed the fishing wich was at times quite hectic when we had a 3 and 4 smoothounds on at once. its always nice to see these fish with the average being around 7-8lbs they fight hard and are easily returned alive. we were pleased at the end of the day with 20 smoothounds to show for our efforts. over the next month expect to see more smoothounds, bass and roker aswell as the return of the codling in the not too distant future.

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    Mon 23/09/2024 2 Spaces 12 Hours £250.00pp
    Blue fin tuna fishing operating from Plymouth yacht haven individual spaces £250
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    Tue 24/09/2024 3 Spaces £250.00pp
    Blue fin tuna fishing operating from Plymouth yacht haven individual spaces £250
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    Sat 19/10/2024 4 Spaces £100.00pp
    Offshore bass trip 4 spaces @ £100pp plus bait
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    Sun 20/10/2024 7 Spaces £60.00pp
    7 Spaces @ £60pp
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  • 09/08/2009 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    9 Aug 2009 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Fishing remains generally good despite the unseasonable weather, the wind stirs up the water, that’s not good for the mackerel, making it difficult getting them for bait and the Skate love fresh mackerel. Despite this we are still getting a few! Bass fishing taking off now with some good fish being taken lugworm the bait of choice with mackerel fished hard on the bottom for the big girls. Chris landing this nr double on Duke IV using mackeral for bait.
    Whiting are still around along with Pouting and the odd Codling inshore.
    September usually sees an influx of pin whiting, favourite food of the Bass. When the right weather, tides and clear water come together we can enjoy some excellent fishing with pirk and hokkai lures over the rough ground and banks.
    The Hounds will be heading back out of the estuary, somewhat larger than when they arrived due to a summer of crab crunching, giving some excellent although sporadic fishing. This winter could be good for the Cod provided they have survived the summer with last years 4lb average now into double figures and hopefully some 20lb’ers and maybe the odd thirty? Just like it used to be!

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  • 05/08/2009 Fishing Report by Rich Morgan on Chloe Paige (Lowestoft, Suffolk)

    5 Aug 2009 by Rich Morgan

    Report on-board Chloe Paige



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  • 04/08/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    4 Aug 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    FLAMER III - JULY REPORT - well what a month for wet and windy weather and I thought summer was here.The month of July has been like this for three years in a row. Any way when we did get out to sea,some suberb fish were caught especialy flatfish and big bream.In early July the cod fishing on the wrecks was still good.The reefs/banks produced plenty of tope,rays,bream etc.The Shambles Bank was very good for turbot and brill along with a few bass and cod.The mussel beds threw up some superb plaice in the 4 to 5Ib plus range including one of 6Ib 10oz.43 different species have been caught on Flamer III in 2009 so far.
    I had some excellent entry's for July Flamer fish of the month and decided to award it to James Mccarthy for his superb 5Ib Black Bream.
    Note:Quite a few groups did 2,3,4 and 5 days trips aboard Flamer III in July and have all re - booked for 2010.There is something to be said for a few days fishing out of Weymouth as it offers all sorts of fishing and plenty of different species.If you fancy it in 2010 - then contact me a.s.a.p.

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  • 28/07/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    28 Jul 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    Sheffield based GLODEN PLOVER SAC came to Weymouth in July 2008 to go out on Flamer III but the weather was awful and they were blown out each day.They returned in July 2009 and the weather was a little better but still very breezy and they did manage to get out for some flatty fishing.Their patience was rewarded with three flatty's in two drifts on the Famous Shambles Bank.First Christopher Lee landed a brill then on the very next drift Dave Roberts landed a turbot shortly followed by a brill for Richard Charlesworth.All the lads had never caught turbot or brill before.The successful bait was mackerel strip.The lads have re booked for 2010 with the hope that they get some summer weather then,third time lucky I guess.The happy guys are pictured with their flatty catch.

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  • 07/2009 Fishing Report by Scott Belbin on Galloper (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    Jul 2009 by Scott Belbin

    Report on-board Galloper

    the fishing has been good despite some of the weather.we had a few nice hounds over the weekend ans its always nice to see a few double figure fish and who doesnt enjoy those powerfull runs?the hounds will be about for another month or two so there is still a chance for you to book up and catch some.

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    Mon 23/09/2024 2 Spaces 12 Hours £250.00pp
    Blue fin tuna fishing operating from Plymouth yacht haven individual spaces £250
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    Tue 24/09/2024 3 Spaces £250.00pp
    Blue fin tuna fishing operating from Plymouth yacht haven individual spaces £250
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    Sat 19/10/2024 4 Spaces £100.00pp
    Offshore bass trip 4 spaces @ £100pp plus bait
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    Sun 20/10/2024 7 Spaces £60.00pp
    7 Spaces @ £60pp
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  • 07/2009 Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)

    Jul 2009 by Gethyn Owen

    Report on-board My Way 2

    Only last month I was praising weather, for the last couple years June has been a windy and wet affair but this year warm settled seas have seen us sail regular with high hopes for the following months.

    In typical fashion, good old British Summertime kicked in during July, just as the kids break form school and many anglers look forward to the summer days afloat. Wet, windy and to quote from a radio station I was listening to recently - typical April weather'. Un deterred we have set sail on many occasion in search of numerous species including last years elusive tope.

    Tope fishing has been a hard push the last couple years with the weather putting paid to many a trip. Those who sail with us on a regular basis know only too well that small tides and no real winds are required for our Holyhead Deep adventures.

    So far we have managed to fish in the deeps on quite a number of occasions with some fairly good results.
    The tope have not been big by Holyhead standards, but the number of pack tope averaging 20 - 25lb offer some excellent sport on light gear and also great hopes for the coming weeks, when numbers tend to increase and sizes tend to double and often exceed the 60lb mark.

    Returning to our recent catches, all species have a hold on us for different reasons. Wrasse fishing though can offer you adrenalin pumping action and more, basically a much greater chance of success. Whilst afloat the most popular and productive form of fishing for wrasse is on the drift. More often than not the grounds you will be fishing will be relatively close to shore, in shallow waters of below 60ft. By nature of the wrasses habitat, these grounds will be weed covered rocky areas; therefore tackle loss will be inevitable during your quest for these hard fighting species. But lb for lb, they are offer some of the best sport in UK waters
    With plenty of huss, rays, gurnards, dogfish, whiting, codling and many other species coming aboard My Way, hopefully the weather for the next few weeks will settle down for us to enjoy our fishing once again.

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