Latest Fishing Reports: England

  • 04/2009 Fishing Report by Alex kweller on Predator (Poole, Dorset)

    Apr 2009 by Alex kweller

    Report on-board Predator


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  • 20/04/2009 Fishing Report by Warren Scott on South Today (Chichester, West Sussex)

    20 Apr 2009 by Warren Scott

    Report on-board South Today

    Finally after a long winter the season has started with a superb weekend on the Smoothound to 15 pounds. Sat and sunday we had a total of 23 fish at the Nab area and a good bag of Black Bream on the close inshore marks, All in all a very enjoyable week end at sea. Best regards to all Mac

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  • 18/04/2009 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    18 Apr 2009 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Duke IV report April 15th -18th
    The Skate fishing has turned on with good catches all over the area. Derek Edmonds group had a good catch in the Thames estuary with 14 up to double figures, along with quality Whiting . Thursday saw us visit the wrecks where Terry Gages group caught 25 Cod to around 12lb.On the way back we feathered up some Mackeral on the Falls bank. The fresh mackerel forced us to stop and try for Skate landing 5, the best weighing 13lb 8oz, again quality Whiting made up the numbers. Len Hoopers group were hoping to get on the wrecks today but the NE wind stopped us so we tried for Skate, landing 7 before the wind forced us inshore.
    Dates available if you want in on the action!

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  • 17/04/2009 Fishing Report by gary humm on Swin Ranger (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    17 Apr 2009 by gary humm

    Report on-board Swin Ranger

    fishing in the thames estuary on april the 17th
    fishing was steady all the way through the day with whiteing skate dog fish cod pouting all makeing an apperance largest cod 4lb and largest skate 9lb all in all a mixed bag but a good day

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  • 13/04/2009 Fishing Report by Allan Skinner on JFK TWO (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)

    13 Apr 2009 by Allan Skinner

    Report on-board JFK TWO

    out monday bank holiday.a thick carpet of fog awaited us, however it wasnt long before the sun broke out giving us a lovely day with a flat calm sea.first wreck we visted first drift 3 rods immediaterly bent over producing 2 cod and a ling all in the 4-5 lbs bracket. this set the tone for most of the day with all wrecks producing fish.steadily working or way offshore. the fishing just got better. with one wreck resulting in eight rods all bending into fish together.the stamp of fish slowly increased as well. with some nice ling and cod just into double figures.
    an unusual addition was about 10 -12 herrig being caught. these we used for bait producing several decent ling. as it is still 3-4 weeks before we expect the arrival of the mackrel. then the wreck fishing will really kick in.
    all in all a cracking day afloat with about 50-60 nice fish being caught

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  • 04/2009 Fishing Report by fred smith on Crimson Tide (Poole, Dorset)

    Apr 2009 by fred smith

    Report on-board Crimson Tide

    Well we fished the legs earlier this week so we decided to go even further in the fine weather. To say the weather was good was an under statement it was flat calm and wall to wall sunshine lets hope the fishing would match up . We had already decided on our destination but we just had to try one small wreck on the way that we had never fished before, the first two drifts produced 8 fish to live sand eels then nothing for next three drifts so we pushed on. The next wreck paid dividends with fish straight away and all through the tide until slack water when it died. We put on hopper rigs to try for for an unlucky cod , but all the hopper rigs produced were large pout up to 4lb 1oz not bad for a smelly.
    We decided to head for home and try the small wreck we had tried on the way, but it was just as we had left it blanco strange seems it had started so promising. The tally for the day 50-60 Pollock up to 16lb and of course the smelly which rolly is holding .

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  • 04/2009 Fishing Report by Glen Milligan on Wight Huntress III (Portsmouth, Hampshire)

    Apr 2009 by Glen Milligan

    Report on-board Wight Huntress III

    Hi All, as a new skipper I am just coming to terms with the various websites available for anglers and skippers use. So here's my first report on the cbuk.
    Thank Goodness for April arriving with some good trips so far and the arrival of Smoothounds in numbers and the first Bream just showing now.
    Over the school holidays I had a few trips with special prices for youngsters, as normal the girls caught the most!
    Last week most trips were about introducing new anglers to the delights of the hard fighting smoothounds, these early fish are averaging 6lbs and they really do go! BUT the bigger females will be in soon too, with fish up to 30lb it is superb sport, OFTEN on FREE BAIT!
    The BIG BREAM are here now too so all we need is for the weather to hold.
    As a new skipper I still have many days available and have updated my schedule, so please ring for info or just a chat.
    I can also pick anglers up in Portsmouth camber.

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  • 07/04/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    7 Apr 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    Gerry Young age 47 on his first flattie trip landed three plaice weighing 3Ib 4oz,3Ib 6oz, 3Ib 8oz while drifting a mussel bed.Bait was ragworm and squid strip.Then Garry landed a turbot weighing 17Ib while drifting the famous Shambles Bank.The successful bait this time was sandeel.As you can imagine Garry was well pleased with his first flattie catch aboard FLAMER III.

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  • 10/04/2009 Fishing Report by fred smith on Crimson Tide (Poole, Dorset)

    10 Apr 2009 by fred smith

    Report on-board Crimson Tide

    Pollack fishing mid channel 10/04/2009

    Fished an area called the Rip's today and to say the tide was ripping would be an under statement it was like trying to fish a washing machine , so we soon put a stop to that idea and steamed south for another 18 miles to find one of Adolph's rusting battleships. With 8 anglers on board we had just over 80 pollack in 3 hours and no "COD" with most of the fish 30-50 turns up in the water which were all were caught on live eels. The weather conditions were fair if you don't include the rain and the ground swell which was making the ships bury their bows in the morning , but by mid afternoon the conditions were great for the steam home.

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  • 05/04/2009 Fishing Report by Rob Hickin on Sea-Juicer (Portsmouth, Hampshire)

    5 Apr 2009 by Rob Hickin

    Report on-board Sea-Juicer

    Even the skipper had a day off & went fishing resulting in breaking his Angling clubs record with a brill of 5lb-14oz which was also his personal best . the other fish caught that day Blonde rays, Bass. Smoothounds. Undulate rays, Whiting.

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