Latest Fishing Reports: United Kingdom

  • 06/07/2009 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    6 Jul 2009 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    The fishing off Ramsgate carries on apace with Quality Smoothounds here in numbers. Chris Wards group from London landing 16 to 10lb along with Bass and a solitary Thornback. Daniel Hays group also from London upped the anti with 23 Hounds to 12lb along with Mackerel and the obligatory Skate, both groups fishing on Duke IV elected to return all the Smoothounds bar 1 that was badly hooked.
    The Bass and Mackerel are still patchy with double figure Bass few & far between, hopefully the big girls will arrive soon with August usually the best month for these fantastic fish. The Cod still on the wrecks although declining in numbers. Pollack will increase in numbers along with Bass and maybe Black Bream to keep the wreckfishing interesting but with the inshore fishing so good, why go wrecking?
    Quality Whiting still around, these fish have been here since last September giving good sport over the slack tide period

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  • 05/07/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    5 Jul 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    JUNE 2009 REPORT - The cod fishing on the offshore wrecks was just superb with many cod up to 16Ib being caught on a variety of lures,but my favourite was the rhubarb and custard sidewinder which also accounted for some ling,pollack and bass.Ling were also taken on baits.Turbot and Brill were consistant from the Shambles Bank.Also had a 16Ib 12oz Turbot while drifting a wreck.
    The reefs produced conger,huss,bream,rays,tope etc and on one particular day over 120 spurdogs up to 15Ib in a frantic three hour session and they were all returned alive.A 5 day west country trip was done and was a success,so much that a 7 dayer is being planned for june 2010(if interested then contact me for details).40 different species have now been caught on Flamer III in 2009.
    Flamer Fish of the Month for June was awarded to Ryan Phayer for his 7Ib 2oz Tub Gurnard.

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  • 06/2009 Fishing Report by Glen Milligan on Wight Huntress III (Portsmouth, Hampshire)

    Jun 2009 by Glen Milligan

    Report on-board Wight Huntress III

    Recent trips are showing lots of good sized hard fighting tope on grounds south of the nab, best catch so far is a pair of fish totalling 95lbs!!! On several trips anglers have simply been too-toped and we have moved away for a break!!

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  • 02/07/2009 Fishing Report by peter glazzard on Falmouth Sea Fishing (Falmouth, Cornwall)

    2 Jul 2009 by peter glazzard

    Report on-board Falmouth Sea Fishing

    I went out today with Frank on the Carrick. I had to make a report because I have never before experienced such an all round complete package as good as this!!

    We decided to start the day 'on the Cod' within an hour on the first mark we had boated a couple of dozen fish to around 12lb with a number of good sized double hook ups!

    We then went off for a conger-once again and unbelievably Frank put us straight on the mark. We boated 4 conger to around 35lb within an hour and a half.

    On the way back in, we stopped for a couple of hopeful bass drifts. We boated 5 bass on 3 drifts, right under the noses of another boat that had un successfully being drifting the mark all day!!!

    The boat hand Guy, was fantastic, bacon butty waiting when we boarded and tea and coffee on demand!! He was like 'Johny on the spot' with the net, and was extremely knowledgeable on the tactics and tackle.

    Ive spoken to a number of freinds and will be booking again as soon as possible.

    Thanks Frank--Best day on a charter boat for me for many many years.

    Pete Glazzard
    Tunbridge wells

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  • 06/2009 Fishing Report by David Hancock on Excel 2 (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)

    Jun 2009 by David Hancock

    Report on-board Excel 2

    June has been a super month again, lots of cod on the wrecks.
    When we`ve been inshore there`s been a good supply of Large Smooth hounds, good catches of skate and the Bass are showing in numbers, along with the ever present doggies !
    Now looking forward to July for those Big Momma Bass !
    Top tip, Fresh Mackeral fillets fished hard on the bottom in coloured water will get results.

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  • 22/06/2009 Fishing Report by Steve Andrews on Supreme (Rhyl, Denbighshire)

    22 Jun 2009 by Steve Andrews

    Report on-board Supreme

    we had the efsa english section hold its comp from rhyl this weekend unfortunately the saturday was cancelled for bad weather but we did get away on the sunday fishing was steady with plenty of species caught in all an exellent day.a couple of pics phil delaney with a nice tope of 33 lb.

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  • 20/06/2009 Fishing Report by gary humm on Swin Ranger (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    20 Jun 2009 by gary humm

    Report on-board Swin Ranger

    fishing sat 20th june
    we steamed further than normal in the hope of smooth hounds and bass first anchor we had a good run of skate but as the tide picked up so did the the swell so we upped anchor and moved over the bank in the hope of killing the swell the next anchor point saw smooth hound on the agenda and dog fish and more skate as the tide died the swell flattend out but so did the fish the last two hours were tough but the show of a bass kept all fishing going to the end

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  • 14/06/2009 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    14 Jun 2009 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Getting amongst the Thornbacks again with some quality fish. Mark Kingsmill's group from Kent having a fine day, landing some 15, along with Whiting, Bass and Dogfish. Wreck fishing still good although slowing slightly for the Cod with more Pollack turning up. Mackeral around although the northerly wind stirring up the water making them a bit hit or miss. Summer fishing should be at its best over the next month!

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  • 16/06/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    16 Jun 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    SPUR'S R'US - Malcolm Chalk and his crew from Essex came out on Flamer III for 5 days and enjoyed some good fishing catching cod,ling,brill,turbot,bull huss,conger,smooth hounds etc and a 7Ib 2oz tub gurnard.But on their fourth day something special and unusual happened.I decided to take them tope fishing but we did see a tope but caught over 120 spurdogs up to 15Ib in a frantic three hour session.I personaly have never seen spurdog fishing like it before and may never see it agian.In fact as they were bringing up the hooked ones several other spurs were following on behind,it was just an increadable sight.I am pleased to say every spur was released alive.Needless to say Malcolm and the lads enjoyed their expierience.
    Fishing just never ceases to amaze me and I always say every day is different in the fishing world and events like this just want you and the customers to keep coming back for more.

    Pictured is Steve Phayer with his 15 Pounder.

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  • 08/06/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    8 Jun 2009 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV


    On the first day the cod fishing on the two wrecks I choose to drift over was just fantastic,in fact it was so good that we stopped fishing at 12 noon and went dolphin watching and we saw plenty of them.The three middle days we fished a variety of inshore marks catching plaice,whiting,gurnards,etc and some big bull huss in the 12 to 13Ib range.The last day we fished some wrecks on the drift and had a good catch of bigger cod up to 16Ib.We then anchored a wreck and had a session catching congers,ling and some monster pouts.
    The Results of the speceies competition done over the 5 days were - Winner - Pedro,
    Runner Up - Ian,Most Species - Pedro,Best Flatfish - Dodgey Dave,Weakest Link - Geordie,Entertainer of the week - Dodgey Dave,Rotton Bottom Award - The Skipper.
    Everyone enjoyed the trip and the social side of it was as good as ever if not better.Geordie and lads said 5 days goe's to quickly so plans are now a foot to do a 7 day trip in 2010.
    PICTURED are the happy guys with some of their cod catch.

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